Sātana advokāta piezīmes
skepse un infantilitāte
31.-Maijs-2021 11:27 am
"For those who are wondering how the Democrats’ “Equality Act” – requiring people to be treated according to their gender identity -- will operate if passed, we’re getting some foreshadowing from California. On January 1, a law went into effect holding that state prisoners must be housed in a facility consistent with their gender identity, regardless of their anatomy. To date, 261 prisoners – 255 of them biological men – have asked to be relocated."

Nav ne jausmas, cik tas ticami (New Yourk Times to nepiemin), taču, zinot pedagoģiskās pāraudzināšanas sēdiestāžu auditoriju, visnotaļ pieļauju, ka ziņa nav feika. Burlakas visos laikos un vietās izrādījuši apbrīnojamu attapību izmantot "lohu" lētticību un nespēju prognozēt savu labo ieceru realizāciju praksē.
2.-Jun-2021 09:50 am
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