Sātana advokāta piezīmes
skepse un infantilitāte
Queen's Young Leaders 2017 
1.-Jul-2017 09:29 am
Aizvakar, 29. jūnijā, Bekingemas pilī norisa "Queen's Young Leaders" balvu pasniegšanas ceremonija. Balvu iedibinājusi Viņas Augstība karaliene 2012. gadā, vēloties atbalstīt jaunos izcilākos zinātniekus un sociālo/kultūras jomu spīdekļus, tb talantīgos un perspektīvos.

3.-Jul-2017 11:40 am
Forša bilde, tikai no kurienes tu paķēri, ka QYL balva tiek piešķirta izcilākajiem jaunajiem zinātniekiem?

The Queen’s Young Leader Award recognises and celebrates exceptional people aged 18-29 from across the Commonwealth, who are taking the lead in their communities and using their skills to transform lives.

Paskatījos arī, par ko balva piešķirta 2017. gadā:

...using his experience in the catering industry to champion a series of community food initiatives supporting vulnerable people

...creating socially responsible job and educational opportunities for young women and vulnerable groups

Taču ir arī zinātnieki:
...using his medical research expertise and community work to pioneer a new HIV nano-vaccine, and to encourage more young people to engage in scientific innovation.

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