Sātana advokāta piezīmes
skepse un infantilitāte
un bērni atbildēs par tēvu grēkiem cik tur paaudzēs 
6.-Dec-2013 06:01 pm
It kā jau gadus 10 šī vēsts klejo, tak nebiju dzirdējis. Tā kā manas zināšanas bioloģijā ir 8. klases līmenī, man tas šķiet interesanti.

Emorijas universitātes Medicīnas centrā Atlantā, eksperimentējot ar pelēm, izvirzīta hipotēze: nozīmīgi, uzvedību koriģējoši notikumi (t.sk. bailes un fobijas) indivīda dzīvē, pateicoties DNS izmaiņām (receptora Olfr151 gēns), tiek pārmantoti tā pēcnācējos vairākās paaudzēs. Apraksts un rezultāts it kā publicēts iekš "Nature Neuroscience". Pats pamattests bija vienkāršs kā Pavlova pasaules skatījums: peli iemācīja baidīties no konkrētas smaržas, kurai sekoja strāvas sitiens, kas interesanti, šīs bailes un atbilstoša uzvedība tika pārmantota eksperimentālās grupas pēcnācējos, tb vecāku dzīves pieredze pat pirms ieņemšanas ievērojami ietekmē nākošo paaudžu nervu sistēmas struktūru un funkcionēšanu. Aizdomājos par to šodien, braucot trolejbusā un vērojot...

Achieving Singularity in Mammalian Odorant Receptor Gene Choice - McClintock
A mechanistic understanding of how OR genes are selected for expression is still lacking. However, significant progress has been made since the 2001 Banbury Conference on the molecular biology of chemosensory receptors where Richard Axel was asked to comment on the mechanism of OR gene choice. He replied, “I don't even know how to think about that problem yet.” While my interpretations of the clues discussed in this review will prove mistaken to a greater or lesser extent, the mere existence of the clues allows testable hypotheses to be generated. There is reason to be optimistic that these clues, combined with the rapidly evolving understanding of epigenetic regulation of gene expression in general, will soon lead to the discovery of mechanisms that cause the robust transcription of one allele of one OR gene and the repression of all other OR genes in each olfactory sensory neuron.

An Epigenetic Trap Stabilizes Singular Olfactory Receptor Expression
An Epigenetic Trap Stabilizes Singular Olfactory Receptor Expression
Cell, Volume 154, Issue 2, 18 July 2013, Pages 325-336
Reporting recently in Cell, Lyons et al. (2013) reveal key roles for transient LSD1 histone demethylase activity in activation of a single olfactory receptor allele and suppression of the rest of the olfactory receptor gene family, thereby locking in the expression of a single olfactory receptor per sensory neuron.

The β2-adrenergic receptor as a surrogate odorant receptor in mouse olfactory sensory neurons
Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Volume 58, January 2014, Pages 1–10

How the olfactory bulb got its
glomeruli: a just so story?
Dong-Jing Zou, Alexander Chesler and Stuart Firestein

Gene switching and odor induced activity shape expression of the OR37 family of olfactory receptor genes
European Journal of Neuroscience
Volume 32, Issue 11, pages 1813–1824, December 2010

Extrasensory perception: Odorant and taste receptors beyond the nose and mouth
Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Available online 23 November 2013

Promoter architecture of mouse olfactory receptor genes
Genome …, 2012
Finally, we showed that a short genomic fragment flanking the major TSS of the OR gene Olfr160 (M72) can drive OSN-specific expression in transgenic mice.
6.-Dec-2013 06:50 pm
kādus 10 gadus, 2,5 tūkst. gadu būs precīzāks novērtējums.


manuprāt, ļoti interesants rezultāts, bet neizslēdzu, ka tā ir eksperimenta kļūda.
7.-Dec-2013 09:56 am
Jap, lasot par to, pirmais, kas ienāca prātā, bija Vecā Derība.
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