Terrible muffled sound quality when pronouncing words. Inaccurate translation. Screen is easy to read. It shows spelling of English next to the spelling of the foreign word; however, when pressing the key to hear the correct pronunciation of the word, it is unintelligible. I purchased this for my husband to learn basic vocabulary and to hear pronunciation of German. It would have been helpful to take on a trip, but the vocabulary is so basic that the words in it are better learned before the trip online at any of the translation websites which offer pronunciation. We're better off with a phrasebook. I would think a quality portable translator would be of immense help on a trip, but this isn't it.
Viņi ir sliktās domās par vjetnamiešiem. Cik man gadījās komunicēt caur mobilo telefonu tulkošanas aplikācijām, vjetnamiešiem tās bija manāmi labākas nekā man. Varbūt viņi domā, ka tu esi astoņdesmitgadīgs latviešu pensionārs.