You wanna have a life but not too real
20.-Dec-2023 06:48 pm
Pēdējā laikā internetos trendo ņemtne ap Mārci Judzi. Tad vēl ir tāds personāžs kā Krizdabz, kas bija viens no mūsu slavenajiem tehniloģiju blogeriem, bet nu ir sācis tupīt Īlona līmenī. Ok, bez antisemītisma, bet ar stingru pārliecību, ka saprast tehnoloģijas ir apmēram tas pats, kas saprast dzīvi vai cilvēkus. Agnese Irbe, protams, arī ir mātišķi sarosījusies. Bet arī spektra otrā galā, ja spektram vispār ir otrs gals, notiek kaut kāda maldīšanās civlēku attiecību un priekšstatu brikšņos.

Lai vai kā, pamodos pēc diendusas, un izlasīju šo šedevru. Šinī savārstījumā mani aizrāva tā cēluma migliņa apkārt tām vietām, kuras patiesībā ir sarkanie karogi. Lūk, cilvēku salasās šādus Pītersona līmeņa šedevrus, un pēc tam tur rūgtumu uz pasauli, ja dzīve izrādās drusku sarežģītāka par motivational quotes.

"Being in a relationship with a hard-working man is not for everyone.
This is why some women these days are interested in men with no life perspective.
Having a relationship with a hard working man is to understand that he might not always be available for you.
You may think, there are times where he will not always seem invested in the relationship, but its not the case at all, its quite the opposite, he wakes up every morning and works hard every chance he can to create a stable future for you.
You need to understand there will be days where he will most likely be tired and he'll barely have time to take a shower and give you a kiss and head to bed to get some much needed sleep to start it all over again the first thing in the morning.
Do not take this kind of man for granted.
He might come off a little rough around the edges because of his dirty callused hands and greased stained shirt, but this man will love you with a type of love you have never experienced before.
So here is to the hardworking men that are married to the woman of their dreams that get up every morning and work hard everyday for their families in order to live a life they have always dreamed of."
20.-Dec-2023 09:15 pm
Nu ja, "klusēt un ciest" tomēr ir tāda veču lieta. Un, protams, ciest, lai sagādātu to, ko neviens tā īsti nav prasījis. Ar to man šis tekst patīk, ka tas ir tādu stoistiscisku (es pieņemu, ka kaut kā šādi šo vārdu loka) frāžu savārstījums, ar dažām garām palaistām pretrunām.
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