- Z
- 11/16/13 10:52 pm
Kaut kad šeit būs
Yes, there was racism, but there was also classism. You’re a high-powered corporate attorney. You’ve spent most of your life reviewing contracts, brokering deals, talking on the phone. That’s what you’re good at, that’s what made you rich and what allowed you to hire a plumber to fix your toilet, which allowed you to keep talking on the phone. The more work you do, the more money you make, the more peons you hire to free you up to make more money. That’s the way the world works. But one day it doesn’t. No one needs a contract reviewed or a deal brokered. What it does need is toilets fixed. And suddenly that peon is your teacher, maybe even your boss. For some, this was scarier than the living dead.
Once, on a fact-finding tour through LA, I sat in the back of a reeducation lecture. The trainees had all held lofty positions in the entertainment industry, a mélange of agents, managers, “creative executives,” whatever the hell that means. I can understand their resistance, their arrogance. Before the war, entertainment had been the most valued export of the United States. Now they were being trained as custodians for a munitions plant in Bakersfield, California. One woman, a casting director, exploded. How dare they degrade her like this! She had an MFA in Conceptual Theater, she had cast the top three grossing sitcoms in the last five seasons and she made more in a week than her instructor could dream of in several lifetimes! She kept addressing that instructor by her first name. “Magda,” she kept saying, “Magda, enough already. Magda, please.” At first I thought this woman was just being rude, degrading the instructor by refusing to use her title. I found out later that Mrs. Magda Antonova used to be this woman’s cleaning lady. Yes, it was very hard for some, but a lot of them later admitted that they got more emotional satisfaction from their new jobs than anything closely resembling their old ones.
I met one gentleman on a coastal ferry from Portland to Seattle. He had worked in the licensing department for an advertising agency, specifically in charge of procuring the rights to classic rock songs for television commercials. Now he was a chimney sweep. Given that most homes in Seattle had lost their central heat and the winters were now longer and colder, he was seldom idle. “I help keep my neighbors warm,” he said proudly.- Music: Psyclon Nine
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- Nu?
- 1/9/13 10:33 am
Poll #19446 Rudzi
Open to: All, results viewable to: AllHoldens Kolfīlds
- Music: Summoning
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- Rye
- 1/9/13 10:23 am
Holden Caulfield is teen angst bullshit with a pickaxe. He’s sarcastic, nasty, and completely unlikeable. He also doesn’t give a shit. He is every teenager caught between the shitty little games of high school (“you’re supposed to kill yourself if the football team loses or something”) and the fear of adulthood (“going to get an office job and make a lot of money like the rest of the phonies”).
By being the pissed off, nasty, cynical insane bastard, Holden Caulfield suggests that it is ok to be a shit. Your criticisms of the world are not invalid and nothing you say or think is so bad that you need to repress it. Ironically, this is not only something that is essential to survival but is also the key to ultimately becoming a decent caring human being. No one can grow up if they don’t deal with the awful side of themselves that hates everything. To repress it, is to give it power. To let it out to play is to learn to control that side.- 0 complimentsLeave a compliment
- Blaumanis
- 1/2/13 10:23 pm
«Nē? . . . Nu tad . . . tur mēs varētu netraucēti parunāties. Rītvakar? Ja?»
«Tur? Rītvakar? Ak nē – nē!»
«Nu kad tad? Lai paliek uz rītvakaru!»
«Nē, nē.»
«Jā! Lai paliek vien!»
«Bet kad iznāk . . . ka nevaru . . . var izgadīties . . .»
«Tad nobrauki zemākajam zaram galā lapas, tur tam ozolam aiz saimnieka klēts. Sveika!»- 0 complimentsLeave a compliment
- Man After Man
- 12/25/12 10:43 am
Fiffe Floria looks up contemptuously at the ugly unnatural form of the flying ship as it moves silently, blindly overhead and disappears beyond the tall trees to the east. She cannot regard the Hitek, the beings inside it, as human. How can you be human if your life is sustained by mechanical contrivances, and you have to eat food that is made by a machine?
With a dismissive sneer she pulls the coarse veil over her face and tucks it into the fibre belt of her tunic. Then she removes the lid from her beehive and waits for her swarm to settle in the smoke from her torch before inspecting the combs. Good. They are filling up nicely, and it will soon be time for the harvest. There seems to be nothing untoward in the hive: no thieving by wasps, no break-ins by mice or rats, no sign that the queen is going to decamp and take half the workforce with her – but it is really past the season for that now. Yes, the harvest is going to be good this year.
Fiffe closes up the hive once more and turns back down the slope towards the settlement. They have been lucky this season. The patch of growing crops is beautifully healthy and the smoke house is full of fish caught in the stream earlier in the summer. Further down the slope lie the overgrown hulks of the great buildings. Once these were completely submerged in the ocean, but now, year after year, the sea retreats further and exposes more of them. This is probably something to do with the climate becoming gentler and cooler. Centuries ago when the world was teeming with people this used to be a great city. It must have been a terrible time, with everybody living on top of everybody else, and no room to expand and breathe.
http://www.sivatherium.narod.ru/library/Dixon_3/01_en.htm - 0 complimentsLeave a compliment
- The Raven
- 7/18/12 01:49 am
Izskatījās pēc dūmīgas American Gothic versijas nesenajiem Šerlokiem Holmsiem, bet tādas pavisam Dieva pamestas, pat īsti nepavilka līdz Toma Henksa kriptoloģiskajai skraidīšanai Roberta Lengdona pēdās, bet adekvāti, protams, Po, kurš nav nekāds Žils Verns, bet nāves kavalieris, tātad spriedzes vietā teikšanai jāir nenovēršamas nolemtības nojausmai un suģestējošām šausmām, kas liek aizvilkt aizkarus, aizslēgt durvis vai paslēpties zem segas bērnībā, kad tava stāsta varonis virpuļo lejup un paša radītā pasaule kļūst par savu karikatūru, jebkura cerība uz glābiņu izplēn zudušās nemirstīguma apziņas priekšā... Ēm, ļoti patika ideja un sižeta iekšējā loģika, simbolisms, arī teksti eleganti, izpildījums tā, kā jau teicu, adekvāti blāvs, pesimistiski duļķains, vietām vairāk ērmīgs kā grotesks, un skops, vismaz vēl kādu no populārākajiem Po motīviem jau varēja, arī aktieris, kura vārdu nerakstīšu, jo nepatīk, kā latviski rakstās, neizskatījās pārāk līdzīgs pēc zīmējumiem pazīstamajam oriģinālam, vismaz es nekad neesmu redzējis tādu, kurā Po būtu bārda. Pārējie tēli, atkal, adekvāti Po fikcijai kartonīgi, izmeklētājs reāls kapteinis Amerika, citi atgādināja datorspēles varoņus. Toties visu cieņu par jenotu, to es saprotu, ja nevar kādu no ceļojoša cirka izbēgušu traku, sieviešu galvas raujošu pērtiķi cilvēkēdāju, tad vismaz jenotu. Bija vērts. Paldies
The ways of God in nature, as in providence, are not our ways.- Music: Po
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- Kā arī
- 5/10/12 08:06 am
Atbalstiet darbadevēju (pirmo) ^^
http://www.tvnet.lv/sports/konkursi/115-tronu_spele - Music: The 3rd and the Mortal
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- Hoogstraat
- 4/12/12 08:34 pm
Tießi pári ielai no vietéjá mataino kroga un kautkádu melnígsnéjo éstuves bezmaksas interneta ir burtiski lídz griestiem ar voljúmiem piebázts lietotás literatúras veikaliñß, uz kuru grámatas péc ievértéßanas var nest atpakaø un atdot par puscenu, vai iemainít pret citu, ja nepatík. Dieviete jau paspéja køút par klienti pirms manis, tagad pa ceøam no AH bezmaksas kafijas uz arábzu internetiem par vienu eiro nopirku Urzulas K. Le Gvinas Four Ways to Forgiveness, gan jau atpakaø nenesíßu :) Klasika, visádi Borhesi un Palañjuki tur ir dárgaki, bet nevienam nezinámi pieccentimetrus biezie fantasy papírmuguras par graßiem, skaidrs, neviens tádus tápat nelasa, bet tur var bút arí pérles, kaut kad parádíßu- Music: Dimmu Borgir
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- Hobbit!
- 3/25/12 10:25 pm
Pa ceļam uz laukiem (šķiet, ka pēdējoreiz šopavasar) Tolkīna Lasīšanas Dienas ietvaros izlasīju pusi Appendix A (tur ir par to, kas notiek Viduszemē starp Numenoras krišanu un Gondoras/Rohanas izveidošanos) un priekšpēdējo «Gredzenu Pavēlnieka» nodaļu The Scouring of the Shire, kurā notiekošais savukārt būs svešs tiem, kas redzējuši tikai filmu (tajā Sarumans nesaskaņā ar grāmatu mirst jau Isengardā, uzduroties uz tāda kā dzirnavu riteņa Ortanka pakājē, un pat to, ja nemaldos, rāda tikai extended versijā.) Īstenībā visiem zināmā hobitu četrotne atgriežas savā dzimtajā novadā un atrod, ka Sarumans nolēmis atriebties viņiem par savu māju piebradāšanu līdzīgā veidā un ar pārsimts roklaižu palīdzību pārņēmis varu praktiski visā Hobitonā (vienīgie, kas pretojas, ir slavenais Tuku klans), kur sarīkojis privātu industriālo revolūciju, pakļāvis miermīlīgos vietējos bargai diktatūrai, apliekot ar mesliem un mēsliem, kā arī nopīpējis visu tabaku, aizliedzis alkoholu, ieviesis komandantstundu, nocirtis kokus, izrakņājis rāceņu dobes, visur sacēlis neglītas ēkas, bet pašā Bagendas vidū uzslējis fabriku ar milzīgu dūmeni. Uz to varoņi atbild viņam ar hobitu revolūciju, kura ir uzvaroša pārsteidzoši īsā laikā (Sarumana fizisko veidolu, tāpat kā filmā, nogalina viņa paša human instruments) Sajūsmina pašsaprotamā apņēmība, loft un dignity ar kādu to paveic tikai četri Patiešām Liela kara veterāni. Bojā iet tikai 19 hobiti :)
«Gredzenu Pavēlnieku» lasīju tāpēc, ka cita Tolkīna nebija pa rokai, toties, atvadoties no dienas upuriem, iepriekšminētās 75-gades sakarā padalīšos ar citu senu improvizāciju, kura gan veltīta notikumiem «Hobitā» jeb Bilbo un rūķu piedzīvojumiem Drūmmežā, ieskaitot zirnekļus un gūstu elfu pilī: tās skaņas beigās ir vīna mucas, kuras krīt ūdenī
Lost in Mirkwood- Music: Nurse With Wound
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- 25. marts
- 3/25/12 10:25 am
Uz vasaras laiku pārgāji?
Izrādās, šodien pieminams ne tikai nacionālais, bet arī Golluma u.c. hobitu nestais upuris, kas tieši noveda pie Baraddūras kapitulācijas Gredzenu Karā jeb pēdējās Zaurona krišanas (lai gan, mind you, pēc visas Tolkīna kosmoloģijas vadoties, sanāk, ka Zaurons vēl ir dzīvs ;)
Founded by the Tolkien Society in 2002, Tolkien Reading Day takes place on the 25th of March and commemorates the date on which Frodo and the Fellowship were successful in destroying the One Ring and defeating Sauron. This event takes place worldwide as an act of international fellowship in recognition of the achievements of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. The Tolkien Society is pleased to announce that, in celebration of this momentous year, the theme for this year’s Tolkien Reading Day will be “75 years of The Hobbit”.
Šajā sakarā jau sen gribēju minēt, ka jaunajam Hobita izdevumam latviešu valodā ir daudz ērtāks formāts nekā vecajam, kas bija kaut kāds A3,8 vai (un tās pašas kopš bērnības atmiņā ievijušās ilustrācijas ar anatomiski nepareizajiem, bet vienalga agreeable elfiem, jancīgajiem rūķiem un džindžeru Bilbo :) Šoziem pamanīju kādā Tērbatas ielas skatlogā naktī un nofotografēju ar telefonu, bet līdz šim nezināju, ko ar to bildi lai dara
Bet tagad zem tās ir mana 2001. gada improvizācija par Tolkīna pasaules Dievu ^^- Music: Twrch Trwyth
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- Spriedze
- 3/15/12 02:43 pm
rakstnieks_nr1 laikam kaut ko tādu tagad raksta tikai draugos, tāpēc atļaušos pārpublicēt, jo patīk :) Tur ir par spriedzi, attiecībām, seksīgumu, spriedzi, literatūru, attieksmi, terapiju, spriedzi...
( Patiesa tuvība un citas falšas cerības )
Aplausi- Music: Black Light Discipline
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- Pan
- 3/13/12 04:25 pm
Although not all people in Neverland cease to age, its best known resident famously refused to grow up, and it is often used as a metaphor for eternal childhood (and childishness), immortality and escapism.
- Music: Lisa Gerrard
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- 1/23/12 05:25 pm
Es nezināju, ka mūsdienās arī grāmatām ir treileri
(tekstam godu nedara, bet tas tā)
Bez paskaidrojumiem, ja tevi interesē šis akrobātfailā (tipogrāfijas salikums visssmuki) angliski, pieraksti ēpastu, komentāri skrīnoti- Music: The Knife
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- Whitebook
- 1/20/12 03:40 pm
Izdevniecībai līgums ir, tad jau laikam drīkst teikt...
Pirms honorāra neapsveikt- Music: Woven Hand
- 14 complimentsLeave a compliment