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19th-Aug-2013 09:09 pm - Kā apieties ar jaunavām :)
Don't play mind games. Virgos view mind games and manipulation as dishonest, sneaky and beneath them, and will spot such pettiness a mile away. They won’t trust or respect you if you try this. :
Be considerate of your Virgo's feelings. What's going on inside a Virgo's mind is often a mystery to those around them, as they are capable of disguising their feelings well. When they are brought to the point of expressing their displeasure with a person or situation, it is often to the surprise of those around them. Virgo is patient and kind, but only has so much patience and kindness, and when it's gone, it's gone! They can sometimes bottle their feelings up out of politeness and later explode, or worse, simply drop you.
Pay attention to your own personal hygiene and appearance. Virgos are perfectionists, and are usually well-groomed. Pay attention to your nails, scent, hair. Make yourself look nice. Your Virgo friend may comment if they think you need a little help, but they are rarely malicious or mean when doing this.
When a Virgo feels strongly about something, don't waste your time trying to change his or her mind. Not only are Virgos passionate about what they believe, they have typically put much thought and research into it, and are unlikely to back down from any argument. Virgos are extremely observant - nothing escapes this sign - and can run circles around their opponents in a debate.
Do not take your Virgo friend or lover for granted! Virgos are fiercely loyal, dedicated and give 100 percent to their loved ones, but they won't be used or abused. Once Virgos make up their minds that they've been egregiously wronged, they will promptly show you the door with little drama. If they suspect they are in a one-sided relationship or friendship, you will get a one-way ticket out of their lives. Virgos may seem cruel in their ability to quickly disengage emotionally, but their logical side will not allow them to mope for long. It is next to impossible to win a Virgo back once he or she has moved on.
Virgos are sensitive creatures who typically hold themselves in high regard because they know they put a great deal of effort into everything they do. Compliments like "You look beautiful today" or "You're my best friend" are definitely appreciated and will go a long way. Virgos make an effort in all areas, due to being such perfectionists, so a compliment makes them feel their efforts haven't gone unnoticed. They will usually compliment you back sincerely, and a Virgo lover will reward you enthusiastically.
Do not point out Virgos' flaws as they are well aware of them. When they are unable to look or act their best, for example due to illness, they will be extremely agitated by the situation. Never, ever insult your Virgo or embarrass him or her in public! Virgos are acutely aware of everyone's flaws, but especially their own, and are highly sensitive to criticism. They do not forget humiliation.
Virgos try to see the humor in things and enjoy the lighter side of life. Try making them laugh. They love funny TV shows, movies, plays and comedians. To make intelligent Virgo laugh can sometimes be a little tough, but succeed and they will be impressed - and interested.
Virgos make excellent friends and companions, but you must be worthy of their love and respect. They might be friends with a lot of people, but in reality they only have a small circle of people they really trust. If a Virgo considers you a close friend, be grateful! Loyal, unselfish Virgo loves nothing more than supporting their friends, and will cheerfully put their loved ones' needs first.
Listen when a Virgo talks to you. They are good listeners themselves and find it rude when ignored or interrupted.
Don't be pompous or stuck up. Self-sufficient Virgo cannot stand people who act spoiled rotten and feel a sense of entitlement, as if the world "owes" them something. And while Virgos are typically well-educated and cultured, they do not tolerate pretentious people.
Understand that Virgos will listen to your advice, but will most likely do something else nonetheless. They will do whatever is best for them. For example, if they ask you, "Should I pick the red one or the black one?" and you say, "I like the red one," they will consider it, but then they will choose the black one. Don't get insulted. They considered your idea, but went with theirs.
Comprehend that even though they are sensitive, they can be very defensive. If you pick a fight with a Virgo just because they look gentle and defenseless, think twice - they have a spine of steel and a tongue to match!
Don't tell them too much information too quickly. Volunteering very personal or intimate things can make Virgos feel a little uncomfortable, and put on the spot to reciprocate. It takes time to build enough trust for a Virgo to confide in you in return.
Be careful with what you say. If you said something bad last year, they will still remember that and use it against you.
Virgo women in particular make excellent wives and mothers because of their gentle and loving nature. Their perfectionism is an asset in the kitchen, and they are not shy about painting a room or staining furniture. They will keep a beautiful home and raise happy, well-mannered children. Be generous with the compliments on a Virgo's cooking, immaculate home and other household accomplishments, as she takes great pride in her domestic abilities.
Be tactful and diplomatic, because they have NO tolerance for rude, tactless people. Control your temper around Virgos, as they see quick anger as a weakness.
If you're not naturally intelligent, you'd better be gifted with conversing. Virgos love interesting conversations, due to Mercury in their sign or having a unique character. Otherwise, Virgos will not waste their wit and charm on someone they feel is inferior. This is why some people regard Virgos as boring. It is not necessarily the fault of the Virgo, but more likely the Virgo in question wasn't enamored enough with the person to care about making a lasting impression. They know they have many positive attributes and can win over a crowd if they didn't hate being the center of attention so much, but they reserve their charm for possible mates and new friends.
If you're a woman, don't act dumb or dress too over the top in front of a Virgo woman - even a Virgo man won't find it appealing. Also, if you're a female, never flirt with a Virgo's man. Virgos in long-term relationships guard it with their lives and will react with hostility to anyone who threatens that relationship.
Virgos will flinch at constructive criticism but humbly accept it. However, negative criticism meant to be hurtful will not be taken too kindly and the response will be very ugly. Never, ever insult your Virgo.
Virgos are very insightful and intuitive, so always tell the truth and be genuine. If the truth hurts, then they will expect you to use their tact and diplomatic talents. They don't like people who are fake or dishonest.
Virgos are very well-mannered and refined so you will have no chance of being friends with one if you are ignorant, obnoxious, vulgar, selfish, rude, a slob or ask for sex on the first date. However, kind-hearted Virgo is capable of looking for the best in people, and may give you one chance if you have only a few poor qualities among good core qualities, so long as you show a desire for self-improvement.
Virgos value substance. If you're looking to date one, you must be interesting, deep and a little bit mysterious, but not so aloof to the point where they feel they are not needed. They will see through it and lose interest.
More often than not when talking about astrology, Virgos like to be angels over virgins when discussing or even bringing up birth signs.
Don't be fooled by the term "Virgin Sign." Virgos are typically introverts and extremely picky when selecting a lover, but they place great importance on sex and sexual compatibility. Your Virgo may seem shy at first but being patient and establishing trust will lead to a deeply intense, passionate and exciting sex life. Virgos are unselfish and creative in bed and take pride in keeping their lovers satisfied and fulfilling their every desire.
Virgos value fidelity and trust above all in a relationship. When Virgos find their true love, they will devote themselves completely and unselfishly, but they expect the same loyalty in return. You will not get a second chance if you are unfaithful.
Don't go through their stuff. If you think a Virgo is keeping something from you, express your concerns with honesty, but don't invade their privacy.
Don't try to force Virgos to do anything they hate. Virgos are fiercely independent and will not tolerate people with controlling personalities, as they have an insatiable desire for success on their OWN terms. If they feel like you are trying to force your own views on them, they will be turned off.
If a Virgo likes you, he or she will let you know. They try so hard to find their true love and will not play games.

Virgos can be very private, so don't invade their privacy. Do not show up unannounced at a Virgo's home.
Virgos love to smile. Keep a smile on their face, and you will surely be a winner.
Virgos are very set in their ways.
If you decide to date a Virgo, ask about their hobbies, and follow through.
When a Virgo is pushed to their breaking point you should watch out.
A Virgo would fall for someone not necessarily handsome, as long as they feel wanted and valued, but it will secretly irk them that their lover "isn't as put-together as they should be."
Most Virgos DON'T have sex on the first date, so don't expect this.
Virgos cannot hold onto a lie for long and dislike when people don't appreciate their honesty.

Treat your Virgo with respect. They only give respect to those who deserve it.
Virgos are very good with words. They can be very persuasive and know how to push someone's buttons in an argument.
Virgos are very picky and tend to worry too much.
Virgos can be high maintenance because of their desire for perfection.
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