Commenting To 
25th-Aug-2008 09:53 am - way out west - mindcircus

Falling in
Six hours from morning
And falling in
Sink me off to... sleep

So come along within, ahh... uhh
I think it's time to let me in
I'm tipping my foot very close to the edge, edge... ahh
Just a few more of your seconds
And I need for me to repair
To neatly stand and spin it around in my head, Yeah... ahh

Can I please have some silence
Can I please have some silence (yeah)
Can I please have some silence
How 'bout some space

Ready to drift now
And I feel myself slipping inside you
Just a little bit further
Before something drags me back
So close, I thought I nearly had you there

I'm so tired
I gotta sleep
I wanna wake up from a dream
I've had enough
I need to sleep
I want to wake up without you... here

So come along within, ahh..uhh
I think it's time to let me in
I'm tipping my foot very close to the edge, edge... ahh
Just a few more of your seconds
And I need for me to repair
To neatly stand and spin it around in my head, Yeah... ahh

Can I please have some silence
Can I please have some silence (yeah)
Can I please have some silence
How bout some space

Could I please ... have some silence
Could I have some space
Could I have some space

Can I please have some silence
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