January 12th, 2012 
10:22 am - Garfield
10:23 am
vakardiena ārpus ofisa bija laba diena. jā, nogurums bija mežonīgs. adrenalīna bija daudz. vakarā nokritu gultā un viss.
toties šodien saprotu, ka atkal varu sākt radīt. jā, radošais mirklis ir sarežģīts, jo ir ne tikai jāuzraksta, kā varētu, bet arī jāsaliek pamatojums, kāpēc. jāpameklē arī to, kā ir citur utt. bet tas ir interesanti. un tas man patīk.
lai arī tas ļoti iztukšo.
10:27 am
11:49 am
Все лучшие фразы состоят из 3 слов: краткость сестра таланта, я тебя люблю, дайте мне выпить, иди ты нафиг.
12:10 pm - Simon Draws: Rabbits
jaunais saimonkaks:
01:19 pm - pozitīvisms:
Если глядя в будущее, ты видишь там полную жопу, то не удивляйся: ведь ты смотришь на него сзади.
03:21 pm
Five reasons computers must be female...
1. No one but their creator understands their internal workings.
2. Even your smallest mistakes are immediately committed to memory for future reference.
3. The native language used to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible to everyone else.
4. The message, "Bad command or filename," is about as informative as "If you don't know why I'm mad at you, then I'm certainly not going to tell you."
5. As soon as you commit to one, you find yourself spending half your salary on accessories for it.

Three reasons computers must be male...
1. You have to 'turn them on' to get their attention.
2. Although they are supposed to solve problems, half the time they are the problem.
3. As soon as you commit to one, you realise that if only you had waited you could have had a better model.
08:05 pm - Хроники одной лаборатории
Акт Первый. Детство. )
08:21 pm - Хроники одной лаборатории (II)
Акт Второй. Юность )
08:34 pm - Хроники одной лаборатории (III)
Акт Третий. Зрелость. )
08:53 pm - Хроники одной лаборатории (IV)
Звездные войны. )
09:06 pm - Хроники одной лаборатории (V)
Over zero  )
09:10 pm - Хроники одной лаборатории (VI)
Semper idem )
09:56 pm - viņai tur kāds plauktiņš?
tīri tehniski incanti, kā var paiet ar šādu iepakojumu starp kājām?

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