30th-Mar-2007 07:25 pm
sabinei shodien kaa izraadas bija peedeeja darba diena.. par godu tam tika ielietots shampanietis.. hrum-hrum.. :) tagad - na vesele - varu doties maajaas ;) sakopt maaju, lai no riita luli varu sagaidiit ;)
un pa celjam jaapadzied:
"No one's calling for me at the door.
And unpredictable won't bother anymore.
And silently gets harder to ignore.
Look straight ahead, there's nothing left to see.
What's done is done, this life has got it's hold on me.
Just let it go, what now can never be.
I forgot that I might see,
So many beautful things.
I forgot that I might need,
to find out what life could bring."
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