November 8th, 2013 
10:33 am - pētījums par ebrejiem un diskrimināciju
Tomorrow 8 November 2013, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) will present the first comparable figures on Jewish people’s experiences of antisemitic harassment, discrimination and hate crime in the EU. This report covers responses from 5,847 Jewish people in the eight countries in which some 90% of the estimated Jewish population in the EU live (Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Sweden, and the UK). It contains concrete suggestions on how to develop targeted legal and policy measures, and aims to be a vital tool for EU decision makers and community groups.
The findings will be complemented by FRA's annual “Antisemitism Overview”, which brings together statistical data on antisemitic incidents collected by governmental and non-governmental sources.
The reports, the press pack, a “data explorer” (where results for each question and each country can be seen), and background material will be made available on 8 November at 10h30 at the FRA website
01:27 pm - kāzu bildes
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