June 11th, 2013 
08:01 am - Vajag
Vajag smukas, baltas bikšeles, ka mazajai uz pampera uzģērbt kristībās.
Un vēl vajag baltu jaciņu.
Šodien būs jāiet medībās. Jaciņu gan jau ātrāk izdosies atrast, bet tās bikšeles.. Tās gan mani uztrauc.
Labi, ka kleitu kristībām jau aprīlī nopirku. Vismaz par to nav jāraizējas.
08:49 pm - par jaunavām
#Virgo gets irritated if you try to force them to communicate. If they decide not to on a particular day,trust that its for a good reason.
#Virgos are seen as the cleanest of the Zodiac but they have a mess of emotions to deal with on the inside.
A #Virgo is reluctant to burden others with their troubles. If they open up to you,they really trust you.
Sometime #Virgo say "nevermind" because they're too lazy to repeat themselves.
#Virgo won't be in a serious relationship until they know you're completely loyal and honest.
#Virgos will often hold back their feelings to avoid hurting other peoples feelings.
#Virgo are great at distancing themselves from people, so be careful how you treat them.
People think #Virgo are rude sometimes. They just don't want to be dishonest.
#Virgo are not afraid to say the most cruel truth when you need to hear it.
#Virgos are always aware of the consequences before they speak or act.
#Virgo put edge on a relationship when they have doubts with you. Show them you're not wasting their time.
#Virgos are very much aware of their faults and get annoyed when reminded of such.
#Virgo think long and deeply before making decisions.
That 1 text, 1 song, 1 mistake, 1 lie, 1 word, 1 truth and 1 person can change #Virgo mood in 1 second.
#Virgo always has something smart to say, but most of the time they chose not to say it.
#Virgo say "I'm tired " when they are actually sad.
After being hurt, #Virgo will have a difficult time opening up to the same situation or person again.
Sometimes a #Virgo may feel alone but this is only because they are not allowing themselves to open up to people.
Sometimes silence is #Virgo way of telling you that you did something wrong.
#Virgo cheat if there's something wrong with the relationship; others cheat if there's an opportunity.
Even if #Virgo had a million reasons to leave you they would still look for one to stay.
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