June 14th, 2007 
09:00 am - ikriita garfilds
10:03 am
gribas aizlieties. taa pa riktiigam. kaut kaads nejaukulis uzbrucis - zhnjaudz un zhnjaudz...
taa kaa dzershanu no riita neatziistu, naaksies pastraadaat. vakaraa noteikti neko negribeesies taadu. paaries. noteikti paaries.
10:07 am - Flushed Away
Vakar vakaraa gribeejaas kaut ko pavisam vieglu un taadu, kur neko daudz nav jaadomaa. Vakaraa saaku, bet shoriit beidzu skatiities "Flushed Away".
Kaut kas man tajaas multenees patiik. Laikam tie miiliigie purninji, naivums, sirsniiiba...
11:02 am - Fast car -Tracy Chapman
"Fast car -Tracy Chapman"

paldies Astrai!
shis bija tieeshi tas, kas man shobriid vajadziigs!
11:06 am - Fast car -Tracy Chapman
You got a fast car
I want a ticket to anywhere
Maybe we make a deal
Maybe together we can get somewhere

Anyplace is better
Starting from zero got nothing to lose
Maybe we'll make something
But me myself I got nothing to prove

You got a fast car
And I got a plan to get us out of here
I been working at the convenience store
Managed to save just a little bit of money
We won't have to drive too far
Just 'cross the border and into the city
You and I can both get jobs
And finally see what it means to be living

You see my old man's got a problem
He live with the bottle that's the way it is
He says his body's too old for working
I say his body's too young to look like his
My mama went off and left him
She wanted more from life than he could give
I said somebody's got to take care of him
So I quit school and that's what I did

You got a fast car
But is it fast enough so we can fly away
We gotta make a decision
We leave tonight or live and die this way

I remember we were driving driving in your car
The speed so fast I felt like I was drunk
City lights lay out before us
And your arm felt nice wrapped 'round my shoulder
And I had a feeling that I belonged
And I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone

You got a fast car
And we go cruising to entertain ourselves
You still ain't got a job
And I work in a market as a checkout girl
I know things will get better
You'll find work and I'll get promoted
We'll move out of the shelter
Buy a big house and live in the suburbs
You got a fast car
And I got a job that pays all our bills
You stay out drinking late at the bar
See more of your friends than you do of your kids
I'd always hoped for better
Thought maybe together you and me would find it
I got no plans I ain't going nowhere
So take your fast car and keep on driving

You got a fast car
But is it fast enough so you can fly away
You gotta make a decision
You leave tonight or live and die this way
11:55 am
shaut, atshauties, atshuuties...
02:17 pm
aizvien vairaak uzjautrinos par to, kas notiek shajaa valstii ;)
protams, pirmaa reakcija uz kaadaam nejeedziibaam ir dusmas un kliedzu :) bet peec tam iestaajas stadija, ka saac reekt :D vienkaarshi smiekliigi viss shkjiet ;)
taada vistu kuuts sheit :)

njaa, kaut kas tomeer ir mainiijies manii peec shveices :) attieksme pamainiijaas :)
03:25 pm
jeeee... :) lietus ;)
super, super, super ;)
tik labpraat tagad staigaatu aaraa :) taads riktiigi silts tas lietus ;)
03:36 pm
hmmz... gadus septinju atpakalj shitaadaa laikaa piedaavaaju inesei staigaat pa esplanaadi pa peljkjeem basaam kaajaam :) un vinja piekrita ;)
patiesiibaa bija baigi labi toreiz :)
04:35 pm - vot taa ;)
10:37 pm
treshaa vai ceturtaa glaaze baltviina... daudz...
bet anyway - vakars ar astru bija labs! :)

P.S. atkal juutu, ka rakstot domaaju anglju valodaa...
10:41 pm
kaut kas man shajaa bildee patiik... un tajaa pashaa laikaa nepatiik... nevaru saprast...

11:04 pm - duumi...
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