May 29th, 2006 
08:25 am - atkal pirmdienas rīts
nedēļas nogale patiesībā bija izdevusies visnotaļ ok. Sestdiena (kā parasti) norakstīta LU. Bet vakar māsīca mani izvilka no mājām. Visādas atrkacijas pa ceļam uz Siguldu un arī Siguldā :) Njā...Rāmkalni gan tādu nedaudz sērīgu sajūtu uzsita... bet gan jau...
Atkal jāiespringst šonedēļ.. pēdējā nedēļa Latvijā.. vēl sešas naktis un... tāda duāla sajūta rodas - no vienas puses ārkārtīgi negribas braukt prom... bet no otras puses,zinu,ka šī prombūtne no LV man palīdzēs izvēdināt galvu un varbūt kaut ko nedaudz sevī iekšā sakārtot...ja arī nekāda sakārtošanās nenotiks, tad vismaz vides maiņa notiks.
08:59 am - creature of comfort
What he has is yours to find
It's a wonder what he keeps in his selfish mind
What I need's not carved in stone
But when honestly's in doubt he can stand alone

He is a creature of comfort
Don't think he'll change
Making the most of what he has
I'm going to suffer no shame
Creature of comfort
Don't think he'll change
Wasting the best years of my life
I'm going to shoulder no blame

I'm not sure what he'll do
His priority is him, selfless thoughts are few
May I be just once so bold
If it's all I ever do, I'll make sure your told

He is a creature of comfort
Don't think he'll change
Making the most of what he has
I'm going to suffer no shame
Creature of comfort
Don't think he'll change
Wasting the best years of my life
I'm going to shoulder no blame

He is a creature of comfort
Don't think he'll change
Making the most of what he has
I'm going to suffer no shame
Creature of comfort
Don't think he'll change
Wasting the best years of my life
I'm going to shoulder no blame

Come with me make my day
With no shadow of a doubt I'll make sure you'll pay
Watch my face, time runs by
After all you've ever done, you won't see me cry

Creature of comfort
Best years of my life
05:10 pm - hmmz
taa kaa buutu jaakljuust par draudziigo plecu Astrucim... bet shausmiigi negribas... bet draudziiba ir svariigaaka par slinkumu...
tad laikam tomeer jaasanjemas..jaaiedzer energy drink`s un jaadodas uz pilseetu, izklaideet Astrucis.
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