Strawberry Crumble 
17th-Apr-2008 04:33 pm

(for 4 mini crumbles, or a large one)

You need:

14 oz fresh strawberries (or 4 medium sized plums)
1 oz (1/4 cup) whole almonds
1 oz (1/4 cup) unsalted pistachios
3 oz minus 1tsp cold butter + butter for molds
2 oz (1/4 cup) raw coarse Cane sugar + more to sprinkle on fruit
2 oz (1/4 cup) flour


Preheat your oven at 400 F (200 C).
Wash the strawberries and slice them.
Place them in greased molds and sprinkle sugar on top.
Chop coarsely the pistachios and almonds.
Mix together with the flour, sugar and butter. Do not work the crumble too much.
Place on top of the fruit and place in the oven. After 10 mns, reduce the heat to 375 F and continue to cook for 20 min.
Serve lukewarm, plain (I prefer it this way) or with cream, or crème anglaise since we are in Angloland! When we have crumble, it does not last long at all!
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