x-ƒ (x_f)

x-ƒ: halfway to timbuktoo

2005. gada 16. novembris, 11:48 am, 9 atsauksmes / pievienot vēl

Mīļā [info]lavendera!

The shortest Fairy Tale Ever! (by Coyote)
Once upon a time, a girl asked a guy “Will you marry me?”
The guy said, “NO!”
And the girl lived happily ever after and went shopping, dancing, skiing, drank martinis, always had a clean house, never had to cook, had sex with whomever she pleased and farted whenever she wanted. ;)
The End

Mana dziesma šodien – Sparklehorse – Devil's New.

Heads Up! (©C. Raynor)

jutoņa: cheer up, emo kid!
Mis Ciba 2006. (laukuroze)

Mis Ciba 2006.: visskaistākā pasaka.....

2005. gada 16. novembris, 11:55 am, atbildēt

visskaistākā pasaka... eh.