x-ƒ (x_f)

x-ƒ: Cibiņatjautības 'n' zināšantests

2004. gada 10. augusts, 3:35 pm, 24 atsauksmes / pievienot vēl

Īsāk sakot – testiņš. Gribu uzzināt, cik daudzi vispār ieklausās dziesmu vārdos. To dziesmu, kas skan tikpat kā visu laiku kaut kur – mājās, darbā, mašīnā, sab-transā, kk citur. Nu, jā – vai dziesmu vārdiem vispār ir nozīme, vai tos kāds vispār dzird un ieklausās, par ko tie ir un ko autors gribējis pateikt. (Bet pieļauju arī, ka šis puksts tiks ignorēts un neviens tā arī neatsauksies.)

Tur.. šeit.. tur zemāk ir vārdi no 21 dziesmas. Tie, protams, nav viss dziesmas teksts. Neesmu jau traks. Dziesmas ir numurētas, lai būtu vieglāk saprast, kas ir kas. Pieraksti, kam šī dziesma pieder un / vai vismaz, kā to sauc. Nākošreiz (domājams, ka pēc divām dienām – intrigai) publicēšu sarakstiņu ar pareizajām atbildēm. Balvu par pareizām atbildēm gan nebūs. Taču, ja kāds ko no manis vēlas pretī – gan jau var sarunāt. :)

21 tāpēc, ka vienai no manām mīļākajām dziedātājām ir dziesma "21 Things I Want In a Lover". Bet varbūt vienkārši tāpat. He he! :)
Četras grupas / izpildītāji ir no Latvijas.
Lielākā daļa grupu un izpildītāju ir pazīstami (mjā, tas nu gan palīdz! :) ).
No šīs 21 dziesmas vārdiem, 12 satur pašu tās nosaukumu (gribējās, lai jums vieglāk).
Visas dziesmas / grupas / izpildītāji man patīk (mjā, tas nu gan palīdz! taču var paskatīties manā userinfo.). :) Nu.. Izņemot 11., taču vārdi tai labi un tā nav nezināma.

  1. Here comes a girl with long brown hair, who can't be more than 17. She sucks a red Pepsi Cola washing pouches with baby-girl in a pink carriage. And I'm thinking – that must be your sister. That must be your sister! Right?
  2. Dear Diary,
    What is wrong with me?
    'Cos I'm fine between the lines.
    Be not afraid.
    Help is on its way.
    A sentence suspended in air, way over there.
    Dear Diary,
    What else could it be?
    As nightshade descends like a veil, under the sail of my heart.
    Be still, don't stop until the end.
    Dear Diary,
    What is wrong with me?
    'Cos I'm fine between the lines.
  3. Monday is not a fun day,
    And Tuesday – another blues day,
    Wednesday's getting better,
    Thursday doesn't matter
    And Friday is the last day.
    And then it's W.E.E.K.E.N.D. – it's weekend.
  4. The first step to a successful revolution
    Is destoying all compelling revolutionaries.

    Isn't it a wonderful world, Carolina?
    Look at the birds in the sky!
    Jehovah made this whole joint for you.
    So isn't it wonderful to be alive?
  5. I'm broke, but I'm happy,
    I'm poor, but I'm kind,
    I'm short, but I'm healthy, yeah.
    I'm high, but I'm grounded,
    I'm sane, but I'm overwhelmed,
    I'm lost, but I'm hopefull, baby.

    And what if it all comes down to?
    Is it everythings' gonna be fine, fine, fine?
    'Cos I've got one hand in my pocket
    And the other one is givin' a high five.

    I feel drunk, but I'm silver,
    I'm young and I'm underpaid,
    I'm tired, but I'm working, yeah.
    I care, but I'm restless.
    I'm here, but I'm really gone.
    I'm wrong and I'm sorry, baby.
  6. If only they will imagine the world's leaders on pills,
    Then imagine the mornin' after –
    Wars causing disaster.
    Don't talk to me, I don't know ya,
    But this ain't tommorow and for now I still love ya.
  7. I've always been to lame
    To see, what's before me.
    And I know nothing sweeter
    Than champagne from last New Years.
    Sweet music in my ears
    And a night full of no fear.
    But if I had one wish fulfilled tonight,
    I asked for the Sun to never rise.
    If God passed the mic to me to speak,
    I'd say: "Stay in bed, world. Sleep in peace."
  8. Stones taught me to fly,
    Love taught me to lie,
    Life taught me to die,
    So come on, courage, teach me to be shy,
    'Cause it's not hard to fall,
    When you've flown like a cannonball.
  9. Sunday morning, I'm waking up.
    Can't even focus on a coffee cup.
    Don't even know, whose bed I'm in.
    Where do I start, where do I begin?
  10. I said I'm gonna buy this place and burn it down,
    I'm gonna put it 6 feet under ground.
    I said I'm gonna buy this place and watch it fall,
    Stand here beside the baby in a crumbling walls.
    Oh I'm gonna buy this place and start a fire,
    Stand here until I feel all that your heart desires.

    I said I'm gonna buy a gun and start a walk,
    If you can tell me something where's fighting for.
    I'm gonna buy this place as what I said,
    Blaming up on a rush of blood to the head.
  11. Look, if you had one shot, one opportunity
    To seize everything you ever wanted – One moment
    Would you capture it or just let it slip?
  12. Ir mierīgs vakars un man liekas,
    Ka nav vairs par ko runāt, ka nav vairs par ko rakstīt.
    Tikai mieru nedod dažas agrāk iesāktas lietas,
    Tās neļauj tālāk skriet, liek stāvēt uz vietas.
    Jāpabeidz, kas iesākts, ilgāk negribu šeit piestāt.
    Kārtējo reizi es saprotu vienu lietu,
    Ka pa savām takām mēs katrs skrienam pa vienam,
    Ceļa biedru ir maz, jo kāds atkrīt katru dienu.
    Bet varbūt, ka viņi nemaz nav bijuši mani biedri?
    Es paļāvos uz viņiem. Tie bija veltīgi sviedri.
    Es redzu to, ka viņi nāk no tādas vietas,
    Kur lietas mainās ik pēc minūtēm piecām,
    Un vārdi zaudē jēgu tik tikko izrunāti.
    Kāpēc runājat? Labāk klusu ciest,
    Nekā svešā pasaulē savu ūdeni liet.
  13. – What is money but a big pain in a butt?
    – I'll tell you what money is.
       Money is the first trick in the last trick.
       Money is a slime of slimes.
       Money is a first step of a long broken nothing, a pact to devil.
       Money is just a big mind fuck.
       Money is a path to hell.
       Money is a hell of damnation and the worst thing of all this – if we need some, we need it fast. I'm out.
    – Would you do a dumm thing like that for me?
    – I'll do anything for you.
    – Wow! Is it loaded?
    – Squeeze the trigger, find out.
    – Money is the first trick in the last trick.
       Money is a path to hell.
    – ..because that's what the money is.
  14. In one single moment your whole life can turn 'round.
    I stand there for a minute starin' straight into the ground,
    Lookin' to the left slightly, then lookin' back down.
    World feels like it's caved in – proper sorry frown.
  15. Zini, problēma nav manī, bet tomēr sabiedrībā.
    Te viens piemērs, kas besī ārā tikai tā.
    Ja viena idiota tikpat gudrais suns
    Ar nelielu intervālu saplosa divus bērnus,
    Tad par to viņu soda divsimts latu apmērā.
    A ja tavējais būtu to divu vietā..?
  16. I don't care, if Monday's blue,
    Tuesday is gray
    And Wednesday, too.
    Thursday I don't care about you.
    It's Friday – I'm in love.

    Monday you can fall apart,
    Tuesday, Wednesday – break my heart.
    Thursday doesn't even start.
    It's Friday – I'm in love.
  17. Long day's done, another morning,
    Another deep cold trance.
    Would you like to survive?
    Why not?
    Then don't die.
    Sexy faretheewell wave the netline hands,
    Redline eyes.
    Barely standing on the right foot,
    Chatting with the sun.
    Her bus is gone.
  18. New York, New York, temperature's dropping,
    The bands out shopping not stopping
    'Til ears pop, cops protect shops,
    Lots of yellow cabs and bell hops and it never stops.
  19. When your day is long,
    Then the night..
    The night is yours alone.
    And you're sure you had enough
    Of this life to hang on.
    Don't let yourself go,
    'Cause everybody cries,
    Everybody hurts sometimes.
    Sometimes everything is wrong.
  20. I don't want to play football,
    I don't understand the rules of the game.
    I don't want to play football,
    I don't understand the thrill of running, catching, throwing,
       taking orders from a moron, grabbing pothers,
       sweat in crouches, getting hit by people I don't know, sugar.
    I rather play a different sort of game, sugar.
  21. Tu jau zini – parasti rīti ir tādi kūtri.
    Šodien gan savādu pacilājumu jūtu,
    Ieelpoju pilnu krūti, paveros caur loga rūti
    Un viegli nāk tas, kas agrāk likās grūti.
    Tālāk īsziņu sūtu:
    "Kā ar laiku? Vakarā varbūt kaut ko nebūt.."
    Galā jautājuma zīme, kols, iekava.
    Turu rokā telefonu, gaidu kā piekalts.
    Bet atbildes kā nav, tā nav.
    Esmu apsvēris tūkstošiem variantu jau un ainu,
    Kas varētu būt ne tā. Telefona vaina vai nu kā.
    Lai nu kā, es nezinu, vai tā ir enerģija,
    Ko tu man nes, katrā ziņā, pirmo reizi mūžā rakstu tādu tekstu.
jutoņa: esu pētnieciski žurnālistisks
x-ƒ (x_f)

x-ƒ: tad pieraksti visu, ko..

2004. gada 10. augusts, 3:49 pm, 3 atbildes / atbildēt

tad pieraksti visu, ko zini. raksti atbildes.

un ja neatpazīsi 8. un 14., nerunāšu ar Tevi sestdien. svētdien gan, taču tikai, lai atvadītos. :)

Kamatrilleris: hmmz, 14aa bikinj peec..

2004. gada 10. augusts, 3:53 pm, 2 atbildes / atbildēt

hmmz, 14aa bikinj peec ielaam izklausaas, bet iista paarlieciiba nav. es tagad gaazhos ar skalju bliikshkji? ;)
Lasi starp rindiņām: sirds
( (augšup)
x-ƒ (x_f)

x-ƒ: paskatījos. stāvi..

2004. gada 10. augusts, 3:55 pm, 1 atbilde / atbildēt

paskatījos. stāvi stabili.
lūdzu, raksti atbildes. šeit. gan jau pa visiem tiksiet galā. :)
trīs tad jau būtu.

Kamatrilleris: mmkei. taatad.. 1) keine..

2004. gada 10. augusts, 4:09 pm, atbildēt

mmkei. taatad..
1) keine ahnung [man liekas, shitaadus vaardus gan atcereetos]
2) keine ahnung
3) pirmais ienaaca praataa, ka the bangles, bet diez..
4) keine ahnung
5) alanisa
6) noup, nekaadi variantu ;)
7) peedeejaa rindinja - nju ljooti dziredeeta, bet kas un kaa - atkal keine ahnung
8) it's still a little bit of your taste in my mouth..
9) un atkal tas pats... keine ahnung
10) coldplay
11) eminem - lose yourself
12) keine ahnung
13) tiesh taapat kaa 12
14) the streets - dry your eyes
15) izklausaas peec gustavo ;)
16) njez
17) keine ahnung
18) taa arii nesauc? new york new york
19) rem - everybody hurts
20) keine ahnung
21) gustavo - evita


zini, ir bik vieglaak, ja to meegjina izdziedaat ;)
Lasi starp rindiņām: sirds
( (augšup)