x-ƒ (x_f)

x-ƒ: The sum of all fears

2013. gada 28. februāris, 6:00 pm, 10 atsauksmes / pievienot vēl

17:36:28 <boru> My main gripe with twitter, besides the banal noise, is the fact that it reduces information to something a sentence long, which I think is starting to be something detrimental to society. People develop ADD and can't grok anythingthat's more than a setence in length. "tl;dr lololol"
17:37:21 <boru> It's like peerce says, the Internet has become a mile wide and an inch deep.
17:37:28 <boru> People read headlines, and nothing more.
17:38:15 <@ozzzy> we're lucky they read the headlines
17:38:19 <boru> For that reason, I don't think we're going to have any more Einsteins.
17:38:29 <Burninate> bullshit
17:38:33 <boru> Deep thought is dead.
17:38:46 <boru> If you can't summarise it in one sentence, it's "boring"

x-ƒ (x_f)

x-ƒ: Nē, tas tev ir..

2013. gada 1. marts, 10:51 pm, atbildēt

Nē, tas tev ir vienkārši slinkums. :)
ADD ir "attention deficit disorder" – uzmanības deficīts. Var būt kopā ar hiperaktivitāti.

Heh, nu bet informācijas un zināšanu struktūra mūsdienās jau nav kļuvusi seklāka. Visa aprite ir tā paātrināta, ka tas liekas "normāli".
Es zinu, kur dabūt informāciju, kā uztaisīt atombumbu, tomēr tas mani nepadara gudrāku par to, kāpēc tā darbojas. :/