Šorīt man neskan online RadioSWH kaut kādu iemeslu dēļ. Šorīt uzzināju, ka šodien Lisai Simpsonei 18. dzimšanas diena. Parakņājos netā, un izrādās, ka tā vis nav gan. Bet nu tik un tā. Uzzināju dikti daudz jauna par viņu. Kā arī atradu to laimes / intelekta attiecību grafiku. Lisa vispār prātīgs ir meitēns.
Solitude never hurt anyone. Emily Dickinson lived alone, and she wrote some of the most beautiful poetry the world has ever known... then went crazy as a loon.
Lisa is an extremely bright girl, with an IQ of 159. Officially, her highest grade is an A+++ which she earned by cheating in a test on The Wind in the Willows. (She later re-marked the test as an F.) Once, when she was unable to attend school due to a teachers' strike, she suffered a sort of "school withdrawal" and invented a perpetual motion machine; Homer chastised her for this, telling her that in the Simpson household "we obey the laws of thermodynamics!"
Vēl šorīt atcerējos, ka man vienu rītu stāstīja, ka manam bijušajam klasesbiedram tagad ir dēls. Tas bijušais klasesbiedrs ir nedaudz jaunāks par mani. Kas visā visumā lika man aizdomāties.
zhuu: eh jā ļoti daudzas..
2005. gada 2. augusts, 12:28 pm, 2 atbildes / atbildēt
p.s. varēji to līkni ielikt šeit.