x-ƒ (x_f)

x-ƒ: LASTN_ALTPOSTER When a user..

2002. gada 10. decembris, 10:22 am, 2 atsauksmes / pievienot vēl

When a user other than the journal owner posts a top-level journal entry in a journal, this variable is inserted into the %%altposter%% property of LASTN_EVENT.

poster - The username that's posting.
owner - The username that owns the journal.
pic - If the user posting has a picture, the contents of LASTN_ALTPOSTER_PIC go here.

Tas atradās stilu lapā. Vai tas nozīmē, ka es varu citiem ļaut postot savā weblogā? Un kā to var? Un vai to vaig? Un kam tas ir izdevīgi?
x-ƒ (x_f)

x-ƒ: administrators! viņš..

2002. gada 10. decembris, 4:25 pm, atbildēt

administrators! viņš ir administrators!
Ja paskatīšos un atradīšu, tad pateikšu