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Countries with largest number of stateless people: Estonia, Latvia, Kenya, Iraq. 

crescendo (crescendo)

UN warning over 12 million stateless people

Children born to stateless parents become stateless too

Some 12 million people around the world do not have citizenship of any country, and are being denied basic human rights as a result, the UN has warned. The organisation is calling for more countries to sign up to two conventions on statelessness.
It says the issue is becoming worse as stateless children are born to stateless parents. The problem is most widespread in South East Asia, Central Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
"These people are in desperate need of help because they live in a nightmarish legal limbo," said Antonio Guterres of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).</br>
"Apart from the misery caused to the people themselves, the effect of marginalising whole groups of people across generations creates great stress in the societies they live in and is sometimes a source of conflict."


Due to their lack of nationality, stateless people can face a whole range of problems including issues owning property, opening a bank account, getting married legally or registering the birth of a child.



Some even face long periods of detention, because they cannot prove who they are or where they are from.

Only 66 states are signed up to the 1954 Convention entitling stateless people to minimum standards of treatment while a mere 38 are party to the 1961 Convention which provides a legal framework to help states reduce statelessness. "After 50 years, these conventions have attracted only a small number of states,'' Mr Guterres added.
"It's shameful that millions of people are living without nationality - a fundamental human right."

However, in recent months Croatia, Panama, the Philippines and Turkmenistan have all signed up to one or both of the international conventions, the UNHCR said.

People can become stateless for a variety of reasons, including the break-up of nations such as the Soviet Union and the Yugoslavia, or the creation of new countries after colonial powers leave, such as in parts of Africa and Asia.

Stateless people include the Rohingya in Burma, some hill tribes in Thailand, some Roma groups in Europe and the Bidoon people of the Gulf States.


25.-Aug-2011 04:47 pm
Man kkā liekas, ka ANO šoreiz būs muļķīgas sacerējis par .lv un .ee :(
25.-Aug-2011 04:48 pm
bēgļu komisārs būs aizmirsis, par kuru tēmu runā :)
25.-Aug-2011 05:53 pm
Nevar saprast, kāpēc tur ir pieminēta Latvija un Igaunija, acīmredzot BBC pašdarbība, jo oficiālajā tekstā tās nav pieminētas:
25.-Aug-2011 04:50 pm
nationality = pilsonība?
25.-Aug-2011 05:32 pm
Laikam tā šajā kontekstā domāts.
25.-Aug-2011 05:33 pm
vai pārprasts.
25.-Aug-2011 05:34 pm
BBC nepareizi iztulkoja?
25.-Aug-2011 05:39 pm
ja viņu valodā tautība un pilsonība ir viens vārds, tad ir viegli pateikt a, nedomājot par b :)
ai, jo vairāk es skatos uz šo paziņojumu, jo lielāks wtf mani piemeklē.
25.-Aug-2011 05:42 pm
Tautība, patstāvīgā mītnes zeme, pilsonība, pavalstniecība.

Un katrs no tiem ri kas pavisam cits. Nationality nav tāds clear-cut termins diemžēl ne angļu valodā, ne arī starptautiskajā tiesībās.
Un -nu.. United NATIONS tomēr un tā.
25.-Aug-2011 05:16 pm
> "It's shameful that millions of people are living without nationality - a fundamental human right."

Mana piebilde - it's shameful that it's impossible to undeclare nationality at will, which should be a fundamental human right, too.
25.-Aug-2011 05:30 pm
Well, it is United Nations, so considering everyone's right to nationality kind of forms the basis of organisation - makes sense from that perspective.

But yeah, nationality should be undeclarable. We're all in EU now, so let's just stick to the part about freedom of movement and freedom to be employed wherever you prefer. The only tricky part is the social support networks - how to determine who deservers them where and how to ensure everyone gets some somewhere.
25.-Aug-2011 05:39 pm - Countries with largest number..: precizējums
Izskatās, it kā Igaunija būtu pirmajā vietā pasaulē, bet īstenībā valstis ir nosauktas alfabēta secībā. Birmas nosaukums nez kāpēc lietots pašreizējā nosaukuma 'Mjanma' vietā, bet vieta atbilst pēc alfabēta M burtam - starp L (Latviju) un N (Nepālu).
25.-Aug-2011 05:41 pm - Re: Countries with largest number..: precizējums
Nu nav pirmajā, bet ir pirmo sarakstā.

Pirmajā vietā ir ē.. kurā valstī tad viņi iznāk, bet Palestīnieši.
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