Furious sleep

Furious sleep

of colourless green ideas

of colourless green ideas

Quote of the day. Christians vs Atheists 

crescendo (crescendo)
Konteksts, lai cik dīvaini neliktos - komentāri par to filmu, ar Tomu Henku galvenajā lomā, par kuru tik n nelāgi viens zināms kardināls esot izteicies.

To all those that say Christianity is so bad...Athiests seem worse

Nazism..hmm 6 million jews..this is not counting the number of mentally retarded, Slavs, Gays, Gypsies, and Soviet POWs.um oh and not the amount they killed fighting the war..so lets see lets tack on a modest number of those groups on top of the jews say 10 million +...brings us to 16 million. Now lets see how many did Stalin kill and the Soviet Union in General murder...."With this understood, the Soviet Union appears the greatest megamurderer of all, apparently killing near 61,000,000 people. Stalin himself is responsible for almost 43,000,000 of these. Most of the deaths, perhaps around 39,000,000 are due to lethal forced labor in gulag and transit thereto" um thats what?....

77,000,000 so far and we have not even gotten to Mao's China yet...roughly 27 million brings us to......104,000,000 now lets tack on Pol Pot...2 million

ok I wont add up anymore murders by athiests....tis leaves us with

106,000,000 people murderd....last I checked the population of the GLOBE was not that BIG during Christianities hay day of persecution

You know I'm pretty sure those unncessary deaths had to do with politics not Atheism.

ever considered the fact that the same may be true for violence done by religious people?

*Pat ja atmetam nacistu pieminēšanu, kas ateistu uzskatījumā patiesībā iederas ne vairāk, kā protestanti - raganu dedzinātāji. *Kareivīgie ateisti man tiešām ir vēl nesimpātiskāki par kareivīgiem kristiešiem - viņiem pat attaisnojuma lāga nekāda nav uzbāzties citiem ar savu pārliecību.


19.-Maijs-2006 06:45 pm
Man savukārt vienkārši nepatīk vienādojums "ateists=slepkava".
19.-Maijs-2006 08:34 pm
Tas vienkārši atsvards da vinci kristietis=slepkava
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