Furious sleep

Furious sleep

of colourless green ideas

of colourless green ideas


crescendo (crescendo)
You Are A: Bear Cub!

bear cubBears are strong and independent creatures who roam in the forest in search of food. Bears are usually gentle, but anger one and be prepared for their full fury! You're tough, you have a bit of a temper -- classic attributes of a bear. Intelligent and resourceful, though lazy at times, you are a fascinating creature of the wild.

You were almost a: Bunny or a Kitten
You are least like a: Chipmunk or a SquirrelWhat Cute Animal Are You?


16.-Nov-2005 05:46 pm - :D
You Are A: Mouse!

mouseSome people are scared of mice while others find them cute and cuddly. As a mouse, you forage for food and manage to sneek into everything, but prefer to stay out of sight. The phrase "quiet as a mouse" isn't for nothing, however surprise one and expect a squeek! Your small size and quiet nature are partly what makes you a mouse.

You were almost a: Frog or a Chipmunk
You are least like a: Lamb or a PonyTake the Cute Animal Quiz
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