Furious sleep

Furious sleep

of colourless green ideas

of colourless green ideas

Jūlijs 2005 

10:40 - es atradu savu pazudušo naudu   [ 2 Comments ]
11:09 - Hypnotic Poison
09:54 - Checklist
09:58 - Mani murgi.   [ 2 Comments ]
12:01 - mellenes   [ 4 Comments ]
17:05 - Doma... Mati...   [ 7 Comments ]
09:33 - ***   [ 4 Comments ]
13:53 - mans mīļais francūzis
14:53 - Laime
21:40 - useless
14:25 - Čau, Rasma!   [ 4 Comments ]
15:07 - mad mad house
12:15 - mērfija likums   [ 2 Comments ]
15:26 - sirdsapziņas trūkums?   [ 1 Comments ]
15:41 - Dīvaini   [ 1 Comments ]
22:43 - Doma
22:45 - Saruna. Krūšgali.   [ 1 Comments ]
20:36 - nepatīk   [ 4 Comments ]
23:07 - Idejas.   [ 6 Comments ]
23:30 - :)
12:51 - Garkājtētiņi   [ 7 Comments ]
15:06 - Murgs   [ 18 Comments ]
19:25 - Brīnišķīga metafora
19:35 - Galēja piesardzība :P   [ 2 Comments ]
15:37 - Ja tiem citiem, tad man ar   [ 8 Comments ]
10:57 - pārdomas.
14:49 - un atkal es prasu...   [ 2 Comments ]
15:41 - literatūras iespaidā..   [ 3 Comments ]
08:59 - žēlums   [ 1 Comments ]
09:17 - pārdomas...
10:15 - gramatika...   [ 8 Comments ]
09:44 - Nu nu, nevajag jau pārspīlēt, cilvēciņi.   [ 14 Comments ]
10:27 - Tiem, kas vēl domā...
12:13 - Centralizētie Eksāmeni   [ 42 Comments ]
09:15 - Sirmums   [ 2 Comments ]
09:31 - Meklējot iedvesmu.   [ 16 Comments ]
12:57 - thank you, my love
15:33 - ***   [ 4 Comments ]
10:45 - Ender's Game, Orson Scott Card
10:55 - What creates me   [ 4 Comments ]
16:56 - asaras   [ 2 Comments ]
10:30 - Harijs Poters :)   [ 2 Comments ]
10:50 - iestājeksāmeni...   [ 14 Comments ]
11:32 - (no subject)
23:49 - kafija
23:48 - domu briivpluusma.   [ 7 Comments ]
12:39 - mazais dumjais kaķis
13:42 - ehh...   [ 2 Comments ]
22:50 - a technical question
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