Furious sleep

Furious sleep

of colourless green ideas

of colourless green ideas


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CRAzy Vampire Hunters

Is it just me, or does the word vampire
 pull wacko's with pointy sticks faster than honey and insects?
 i mean serisouly. ive been a vampires( awoken) 
for all of 8 months. and already there is some guy
 who beleive its his sacred dutyto hunt me. and when
 i confronted him, he got all scareed and backed down,
 then pulled out a cross, so i ate it( it was a lil
 cross, so i put it in my mouth, under my tongue :evil
 lol) and he freaked and ran. what is with the world today?
 its proof that buffy and blade, Vanhelsing and Underworld
( i think thats what its called) and all those other movies 
arent healthy. hwats with that??? 

comments apreciated. if you have any experiences 
like that, do tell. lol

Sincearly Yours;

Vlair Drasan

Re: CRAzy Vampire Hunters

I myself dont belive these apparent "hunters" are
 after us because of the films...I think it has to
 do with the more powerful "species" concept...If they
 knew who we really were they'd be at ease with 
us...I see and many others see us with a special gift. 
but these "hunters" see us as targets.

Yours vampiricly


2.-Jun-2006 09:31 am
Vo. Būs man bērniņš, es viņu nosaukšu par Vlairu Drasanu :) Domāju, šāds vārds vien ir pietiekams, lai viņu sistu ar sūdainu, tfu, noasinātu mietu ;)
2.-Jun-2006 09:36 am
Nu.. sūdainība un noasinātība nav savstarpēji izslēdzoši stāvokļi mietiem...
2.-Jun-2006 09:38 am
Mmm, man šķiet, asināt sūdainu mietu un apsūdot noasinātu mietu varētu būt vienlīdz nepatīkamas procedūras ;)
2.-Jun-2006 09:43 am
Beidz, apsūdot noasinātu mietu jābūt pat vieglāk, nekā nenoasinātu.

Pretestība mazāka sūdu čupā bāzot.
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