Furious sleep

Furious sleep

of colourless green ideas

of colourless green ideas

piezīmes dienasgrāmatas malās: Skinny Puppy. 

crescendo (crescendo)
Skinny Puppy: I would have pegged it as something like "horror metal" - if such a genre were to exist. (Now was there ever a usable definition of ‘metal’ anyway?)
Turns out they are in fact labeled industrial, and said to have had quite of an influential role in that scene. Since I know virtually nothing of the field [music in general], I can only recite the googled data and hope it to be accurate

OK to listen to .
(despite me still having somewhat of a problem with constant growling lyrics. Yes, I know it’s supposed to sound like that – but even so, I'll admit, in this case they add to the overall sound even for my ear. Occasionally.)

But it is not exactly my cup of tea.
Nevertheless I might download it to listen just once again. The rhythm alone is definitely worth it.

However, whether it was record of live performance or music videos - the visual is simply fascinating to sit and watch. Ok go on, go on, blame it on my own little imaginary world which is obviously too morbid to be shown on the outside. But it certainly is in tune with the visuals of this band.
I had always thought, watching a record of some bands performance which lasts for more then a quarter of an hour could be nothing but an utterly boring way of spending one's not-so-precious time, no matter how good the band was. For discovery that I have been terribly wrong in this aspect, I’m truly thankful.

The lyrics? I don't give much about them - although occasionally some words from the otherwise mostly incomprehensible growling certainly do add to the atmosphere. But to call them 'observant and philosophical'? Nope. (And yes, I did google for them before saying anything.)


17.-Okt-2005 12:40 pm
labs revjuu, paardomaats visnotalj :)

jaa, un miiljcilveeks ievaariijumu noveerteeja atziniigi :))
17.-Okt-2005 12:53 pm
Mans arī :) *viena burciņa mazumā*

A par review... Ja, tu noteikti esi viens cilvēks, kas to visu jau dzirdēja aizvakar un tagad tikai dabūj atgremojumu vēlreiz.Nekas.

Jauku tev dienu!
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