Furious sleep

Furious sleep

of colourless green ideas

of colourless green ideas

Mono-Silicone (La Femme Nikita OST) 

crescendo (crescendo)
Es joprojām esmu pārliecināta, ka šīs dziesmas vārdi ir

So many times
I've tried to make you understand...
You never tryed to see behind my painted smile.

I'm smiling (while lying) to you;
I'm smiling (while dying) to you;
If you only knew...

Pat it kā lasot īstos un mēģinot tos saklausīt dziesmā, joprojām dzirdu otrajā reizē "dying"...


26.-Jan-2005 03:28 am
rīt pameklēšu.
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