Furious sleep

Furious sleep

of colourless green ideas

of colourless green ideas

Par sievieteem un klozetpodiem runaajot. 

crescendo (crescendo)
Viena no kaitinoshajaam iipashiibaam, kas man laiku pa laikam rada veelmi izvilkt no aizkraasnes krukji un sadot vaininiecei pa ausiim ir tik nepiedodami shkjiibaa veelme ciest un uzupureeties kaut kaada 'universaalaa labuma' vaardaa.

Kopaa ar veelmi, lai liidzcilveeks(i) to adekvaati noveerteetu.

Veel ljaunaak, ja 'universaalais labums' ir ne vairaak, ne mazaak kaa sava liidzcilveeka laushana un paaraudzinaashana.

Un ne jau taapeec, ka pati buutu dizhi labaaka.


12.-Jul-2008 10:01 pm
Well, my God says that good deeds, done only because others see them, are pointless, because they actually do no good and are only beneficial to the one that does them. So, on my theological basis, i claim that such works are incorrect.

12.-Jul-2008 11:16 pm
We always do good deeds because they are, in the long run, beneficial to us.

Religion as a shortcut explaining this is not mandatory.

It does not have anything to do with the topic though :)
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