Furious sleep

Furious sleep

of colourless green ideas

of colourless green ideas

Janvāris 25., 2018 


crescendo (crescendo)
Kontekstā ar atsauksmi par grāmatu iepriekšējā postā, būtiski laikam ielinkot arī šo eseju. (Sakars ar grāmatu nekāds. Bet var palīdzēt saprast dažas nepatīkamas lietas tajās linkotajās esejās) NYT: I Used to insist I didn't get angry.
   The phenomenon of female anger has often been turned against itself, the figure of the angry woman reframed as threat — not the one who has been harmed, but the one bent on harming. She conjures a lineage of threatening archetypes: the harpy and her talons, the witch and her spells, the medusa and her writhing locks.    The notion that female anger is unnatural or destructive is learned young; children report perceiving displays of anger as more acceptable from boys than from girls.     
According to a review of studies of gender and anger written in 2000 by Ann M. Kring, a psychology professor at the University of California, Berkeley, men and women self-report “anger episodes” with comparable degrees of frequency, but women report experiencing more shame and embarrassment in their aftermath. 
People are more likely to use words like “bitchy” and “hostile” to describe female anger, while male anger is more likely to be described as “strong.”
Kring reported that men are more likely to express their anger by physically assaulting objects or verbally attacking other people, while women are more likely to cry when they get angry, as if their bodies are forcibly returning them to the appearance of the emotion — sadness — with which they are most commonly associated.

Grāmatiņas. Necrotech.

crescendo (crescendo)
Grāmatiņa interesanta. Scalzi tviterī bija pielikonta autora eseja par gavlenajām otrās daļas tēmām, un links uz galvenajām idejām par dažus gadus vecāko pirmo daļu ar. Scalzi rekomendēts cyberpunk, what's not to like? Vāka bildi nelikšu, jo šī ir kārtējā reize, kur redzot vāku, to grāmatu rokās negribētu ņemt. (GrrM Dying of the Lihgt? Lukjaņenko DEEP? Ja godīgi ir kāda ne P.K.Dick uz šo žanru attiecināma grāmata, kurai nav atbaidošs vāka noformējums? Precisely. Atkārtotie izdevumi reizēm labo situāciju. Reizēm.)

Jessica Jones without superpowers. Neuromancers, bet ar fokusu uz Molliju, ne Keisu. Kaut kā tā.

Daļa ideju sasaucas ar tieši tām lietām, kas tracināja Ancillary sērijā, tikai neprasiet precīzi nodefinēt - tas vairāk sajūtu līmenī.

Īsi sakot - ko tur daudz - te linki uz augstāk minētajām esejām, tās bija vairāk kā pietiekošas, lai šo vajadzētu mēģināt izlasīt.

Warning: foul language?


Un mazliet koncentrēta kopsavilkuma no esejām zemāk:

Riko is a splatter specialist (that’s Tarantino level of gory mess, in case the title wasn’t clear) with all the agency of a man—and in being this, she tests the boundaries of what a woman in a book is supposed to be in this enlightened age of women’s rights. )
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