Furious sleep

Furious sleep

of colourless green ideas

of colourless green ideas

Decembris 26., 2011 

Par vēlēšanām kaimiņos

crescendo (crescendo)
Krieviski: http://podmoskovnik.livejournal.com/129843.html
Tas pats, izgludināts un angliski - http://samarcandanalytics.com/?page_id=39
Russian physicist Sergey Shpilkin managed to statistically analyze the results of the Russian Parliamentary elections, identify fraudulent component, and deduct it, to come up with the estimates of untainted results: Putin’s United Russia got 34%, not 51% as officially reported.
Done the same way as Google identifies (and deducts) fraudulent AdWords clicks and Palantir catches terrorists and money launderers.

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