Human beings have almost unlimited capacity for self-delusion. We can justify any amount of sadness if it fits our own particular standard of reality. I probably would hve trudged down the same road for the rest of my life, ( but then something happened )John Twelve Hawks, "Traveller"
Halfway home my car broke down on the freeway. No one stopped of course. No one wanted to help me. I remember getting out of the car and looking up to the sky. It was a dirty brown color because of all the pollution. Trash everywhere. The noise of the traffic surrounding me. I realised that there was no reason to worry about hell in the afterlife because we've already created hell on earth.
And that's when it happened. This pickup truck stopped behind my car and a man got out. He was carrying an old ceramic cup - no handle - like something you'd use for a tea ceremony in Japan. He walked up to me and didn't introduce himself or ask about my car. He looked in my eyes and I felt like he knew me, that he understood what I was feeling at the moment. Then he offered me the up and said "Here's some water. You must be thirsty."
The stranger asked me about my life and for some reason I began telling him everything. How unhappy I was. How I was worried about my spouse and my children. How I had to take pills to go to sleep at night.
At first he didn't say very mch. But when you were with him, it felt like he could look inside your heart.
He was a Traveller