Furious sleep

Furious sleep

of colourless green ideas

of colourless green ideas

Jūlijs 13., 2006 

I, Necromancer

crescendo (crescendo)
Lielisks, viegli Pūķu&tuneļu terminoloģijas iespaidots mazgabaliņš... Patīkama lasāmviela pēcpusdienai - pat nekromantiem ir grūības ar birokrātiem :)


The constable on the platform has halted my luggage, who are just sitting there now while he insists on seeing papers. He’s twice my age, if that, fat from the easy life in Thaos and probably as corrupt as he is stupid. Only someone truly cretinous would think that someone else would try something as stupid as march through a public terminal with illegal creatures. Even my ragged little familiar, my first real success at invigoration, is legal, albeit two half-cats stitched together - a ginger one and a black one - to make a whole one. Nothing in the city ordinances about having posession of dead creatures who are not a threat to public health, and apart from a rather strong odour of embalming fluid, the only threatening thing about Leo is the fact that he’s ever so slightly lop-sided, so it is possible that if he was somewhere high, he might slip and he is a rather large cat. Was a rather large cat. Two rather large cats. Needless to say it could hurt if he fell on you.
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