Jā. Protams tur ir arī vampīri, citādi taču es nerekomendētu :P
Fantāzijas darbi bez vampīriem iztiek tikai aizvietojot tos ar staigājošiem līķiem un nekromantiem, kas ļauj līķiem staigāt.
(nē nē, vampīri tur ir vēl mazāk nekā zvagižņu karu, nebaidies, tas nav stāsts par staigājošiem līķiem kurus var piebeigt ar dārzeņiem. Un tur ir WinXP, kā Cloud of Darkness Generator
Can you hack into it?I asked her as we ran.
I don't know,she said,I am not familiar with your Earthling opearting systems. The rest of the galaxy has been using open source software for millenia, while you and your primitive monkeykin will probably be using proprietary, closed-source Cloud of Darkness APIs with which I am unfamiliar.
pirmā daļa
A Mayan Sysadmin? You're more resourceful than I thought, Masterson. But no worries - the summoning is already complete, and the Dark Goat of the Wood With a Thousand Young is already on her way here. In mere moments you will be totally overwhelmed by my Wealthbondsman. And without your lightsaber or vaunted adamantium claws you will fall helplessly before them.That brought me up short.
Admantium claws?I asked.
Yes,she continued grandly,without your lightsaber and your vaunted adamantium claws you will be -
I don't have adamantium claws.I said.
You will be... excuse me?
I don't have adamantium claws,I repeated,I'm Jewish. If I want to be buried next to Honorable Headmaster Arnold M. Golub in the family plot in Pomona, I can't even get a tatoo, much less graft adamantium onto my skeleton.