Furious sleep

Furious sleep

of colourless green ideas

of colourless green ideas

Janvāris 17., 2006 

Vampires II

crescendo (crescendo)
Ai, nu pārāk gari )

Tipisks žurnāla ieraksts.

crescendo (crescendo)
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It's when you write in your LiveJournal.

About anything.

The music that you're listening to.

The pitch and smell of that fart you just ripped - wasn't it quite woody?

That woody you just got, boys, it's your prick, girls, it's your nipples.

Maybe you'll post some pictures of you at a 60 degree angle.

Probably you'll talk about your parents or your cat or you whatever, you know?

And don't you just hate it.
Ja nu ir vēlme lasīt tālāk... )
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