Furious sleep

Furious sleep

of colourless green ideas

of colourless green ideas

Marts 2006 

09:12 - Likumi.   [ 2 Comments ]
16:45 - Pūce.   [ 2 Comments ]
17:49 - Dzīvošana ēšanai.   [ 2 Comments ]
10:44 - Valodas jautājums.   [ 3 Comments ]
11:11 - Pasākumi.   [ 2 Comments ]
13:59 - Bailes. Pašanalīze.   [ 2 Comments ]
16:32 - "Moving Pictures"/"Seduced by the Moonlight"
14:28 - Viduvējības   [ 18 Comments ]
09:13 - Horoskopi   [ 2 Comments ]
11:48 - Par bruņiniekiem un magoņu dievu.   [ 2 Comments ]
17:02 - Netraucēt.   [ 2 Comments ]
09:16 - Maģistrs   [ 2 Comments ]
09:12 - Mīļā Aina   [ 5 Comments ]
10:20 - Pašsaprotamais.   [ 5 Comments ]
10:22 - Politika :)   [ 2 Comments ]
12:35 - Bumba!
11:30 - Pārapdzīvotība.   [ 6 Comments ]
16:34 - Miers.   [ 7 Comments ]
14:57 - Utopija I. Politiskā reklāma.   [ 5 Comments ]
16:11 - zvaigznīte. zvaigznīte. zvaigznīte.   [ 3 Comments ]
11:50 - trusīši   [ 9 Comments ]
12:06 - Quote of the Day   [ 15 Comments ]
13:50 - Milestone. Wii, 50?   [ 14 Comments ]
09:31 - alumīnija cūka   [ 8 Comments ]
10:58 - Yeah, right...   [ 3 Comments ]
22:50 - Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang, update
23:19 - Geez...   [ 11 Comments ]
09:53 - Relativitāte.   [ 7 Comments ]
15:38 - I. Kafija.   [ 2 Comments ]
17:22 - Quote of the Day   [ 3 Comments ]
11:55 - Kaimiņi, jūs ko?   [ 19 Comments ]
16:54 - Izklaides ar telefona numuriem   [ 5 Comments ]
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