Furious sleep

Furious sleep

of colourless green ideas

of colourless green ideas

Septembris 2005 

12:29 - Valoda   [ 3 Comments ]
08:47 - 5 minūtes   [ 3 Comments ]
10:28 - Hypocrisy.   [ 3 Comments ]
09:05 - neinteresanti...   [ 2 Comments ]
09:28 - Rīgas skaņas.   [ 1 Comments ]
12:24 - Vēsturnieks   [ 7 Comments ]
15:28 - Eksāmens mazajiem   [ 5 Comments ]
15:57 - Saistībā ar iepriekšējo:   [ 2 Comments ]
08:51 - domu konspekts
10:10 - Piens   [ 2 Comments ]
14:37 - Tēja. Zaļā.
15:05 - Filozofija   [ 9 Comments ]
21:47 - Pukju nakts   [ 3 Comments ]
16:17 - Flower by Kenzo
16:59 - Reizēm vajag sevi palutināt...   [ 2 Comments ]
21:36 - I Don't Want To Miss A Thing   [ 2 Comments ]
10:17 - šļims   [ 1 Comments ]
08:40 - Advent Children   [ 27 Comments ]
20:58 - Kocinji
10:03 - muļķīgi domu fragmenti,   [ 9 Comments ]
12:56 - Let's add some more paranoia   [ 13 Comments ]
13:14 - baznīca...
15:05 - quizes!!!
20:15 - WTF????   [ 3 Comments ]
09:50 - S2 probleemas, kopsh sestdienas.   [ 12 Comments ]
11:23 - Google talk - tev arī ir?   [ 2 Comments ]
12:42 - Talantu aģentūra   [ 3 Comments ]
13:29 - ***   [ 1 Comments ]
15:03 - It's my turn now.
09:27 - shuffle
15:29 - quiz again   [ 2 Comments ]
20:28 - If Goth's Ruled
20:50 - Sveetdiena...
20:50 - mana Riiga
11:36 - Nedēļas nogales bilance   [ 4 Comments ]
13:23 - Nokritu.   [ 1 Comments ]
16:11 - veselībiņa
09:06 - Miega bads
12:48 - So, inbox will it be   [ 6 Comments ]
14:59 - Demokrātija
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