Furious sleep

Furious sleep

of colourless green ideas

of colourless green ideas

Maijs 2005 

03:52 - being alone   [ 7 Comments ]
04:03 - kursa darbs...   [ 4 Comments ]
04:20 - atkarība?
05:59 - motivācijas trūkums. joprojām.   [ 7 Comments ]
09:51 - Afterlife seasons   [ 5 Comments ]
14:11 - (no subject)   [ 11 Comments ]
15:15 - ehh   [ 2 Comments ]
08:34 - Nepārmest, ka nebrīdināju   [ 4 Comments ]
08:45 - varbūt ir kādi ieteikumi?
09:14 - Smaids
17:40 - Hmm   [ 3 Comments ]
07:57 - photoshopping
08:13 - useless conclusions   [ 5 Comments ]
11:59 - sapņi
12:24 - ups   [ 2 Comments ]
20:51 - Zilnieces   [ 3 Comments ]
17:52 - Maija Grāfs, Skyforger   [ 2 Comments ]
09:00 - vismaz es neesmu naarinja   [ 10 Comments ]
12:08 - (no subject)
14:21 - Sadisms   [ 2 Comments ]
16:42 - Smēķēšana nogalina   [ 5 Comments ]
17:36 - Appi!   [ 6 Comments ]
21:41 - CSI   [ 2 Comments ]
13:42 - Lakrica   [ 3 Comments ]
09:02 - atzinības nepieciešamība   [ 4 Comments ]
09:05 - sarunas
16:00 - Daba
11:23 - Acis.
13:12 - These five words in my head scream   [ 4 Comments ]
19:59 - taurenji   [ 6 Comments ]
09:19 - ***   [ 4 Comments ]
17:45 - Šīvakara programma.   [ 3 Comments ]
06:23 - (no subject)   [ 2 Comments ]
07:01 - (no subject)
09:51 - nja.. sapnji ziniet.
13:22 - Tiešām jauks žurnāls vizuāli   [ 5 Comments ]
16:20 - f**k
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