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Nov. 28., 2012 | 05:52 pm
posted by: adelise in pajautaa

Sveiki ļaudis,
tad nu tā - kādi ir jūsu mīļākie, ja ne jūsu mīļākie, tad pasaulē zināmie un leģendārie, citāti no literatūras, kino, mūzikas. Tādi kurus izlasot, ja ne autoru uzreiz sanāk atcerēties, tad vismaz nojaust, ka tā ir kāda vispārzināma frāze/s?
Gan latviski, gan angliski!
Aidā, jo vairāk, jo labāk! : )
Paldies :>

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Comments {41}

Galma Āksts

from: [info]torch
date: Nov. 28., 2012 - 05:59 pm

"The things you own end up owning you"

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from: [info]po
date: Nov. 28., 2012 - 06:03 pm

arī sākumā grasījos vai visu filmu citēt
bet tas būtu slimi

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from: [info]po
date: Nov. 28., 2012 - 06:03 pm

Fuck that!




from: [info]san
date: Nov. 28., 2012 - 06:09 pm

We'll always have Paris


only after dark

from: [info]tvarj
date: Nov. 28., 2012 - 06:09 pm

NU, zajec, pogoģi!

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Dieva nāve

from: [info]goddes
date: Nov. 28., 2012 - 06:11 pm

Life is a box of choclate... Literatūrā daudz.

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Galma Āksts

from: [info]torch
date: Nov. 28., 2012 - 06:17 pm

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from: [info]rindra
date: Nov. 28., 2012 - 06:49 pm

Mieru, tikai mieru!



from: [info]coda
date: Nov. 28., 2012 - 06:51 pm

nu tas, par to piedāvājumu, no kura nevar atteikties. pat kauns pilnu citēt.
vēl Say Hello to my little friend.

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from: [info]maschera
date: Nov. 28., 2012 - 07:15 pm

What watch? -Ten watch. -Such much?

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from: [info]shvep
date: Nov. 28., 2012 - 07:19 pm

Luc zvant, ja uz klopi nelaiš iekša.
Mēs dejojam un dejojam un citus neievērojam.
Pieligumā - bez pieliguma.
Par to es domāšu rīt.
Nado, Fedja, nado!
Kas ta par briesmīgu, vecu sievieti?
Zilonis ir lielakais sauszemes četrkājis.
Kungs, jei jau nedzierd!
Es gribu, lai mani šeit apglabā.


from: [info]pashizgaazeejs
date: Nov. 28., 2012 - 07:39 pm

Ak vājība, tavs vārds ir sieviete



from: [info]aamen
date: Nov. 28., 2012 - 07:42 pm

nu tad zini, tev ir skorbuls!
svilinās, svilinās!

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from: [info]zverj
date: Nov. 29., 2012 - 09:36 am

Paldies vēja māt, paldies!

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from: [info]fedrs
date: Nov. 28., 2012 - 08:06 pm

Oh, das ist fantastisch!



from: [info]insommnia
date: Nov. 28., 2012 - 08:38 pm

par to es domāšu rīt - vējiem līdzi
visu limuzīnu varu nocitēt
jautr;ibai jābūt, citādi es nepiedalos - karlosons
ukral, vipil, v tjurmu - romantika - fortūnas dzentlmeņi

pag padomās vēl :D

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fledermause jeb D-a

gluži manas domas....

from: [info]fledermause
date: Nov. 30., 2012 - 12:28 pm

Skarleta vienmēr labi teica, pat tad kad žagojās:D

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from: [info]orks
date: Nov. 28., 2012 - 08:45 pm

I'll be back!
These aren't the droids you're looking for.
You shall not pass!
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.
I'm not a smart man.
Just smile and wave, boys. Smile and wave.
May the Force be with you.
May the odds be ever in your favor.



from: [info]hotai
date: Nov. 28., 2012 - 08:54 pm

you cannot be free if you have bought soul in supermarket



from: [info]ezss
date: Nov. 28., 2012 - 09:06 pm

Bring us a shrubbery, good looking one and not very expensive!

And now cut a tree with a herring!


from: [info]_g
date: Nov. 28., 2012 - 09:11 pm

I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship


from: [info]anima_de_nera
date: Nov. 28., 2012 - 09:15 pm

Man sollte sich die Ruhe und Nervenstärke eines Stuhles zulegen. Der muss auch mit jedem Arsch klar kommen.

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. (autorus gan nezinu nevienam, bet labprāt uzzinātu)

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from: [info]malafemmina
date: Nov. 29., 2012 - 12:16 am

Otrais būs no Mario Pjūzo Krusttēva.

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from: [info]norkoz
date: Nov. 29., 2012 - 12:27 am

nr2.- nīče

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from: [info]skazhy
date: Nov. 28., 2012 - 09:42 pm

In the beginning, the universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry, and has been widely regarded as a bad idea.

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from: [info]ezss
date: Nov. 28., 2012 - 09:58 pm

And so the problem remained; lots of the people were mean, and most of them were miserable, even the ones with digital watches.

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from: [info]skazhy
date: Nov. 28., 2012 - 09:46 pm

septiņas dienas un liels noslēpums; septiņas naktis un nākotnes sapņi.
ļāvāmies straumei kaut, laiks ir pret mums. kā grib, mums tās atņemt..



from: [info]spuldziite
date: Nov. 28., 2012 - 10:12 pm

...warum liegt hier eigentlich stroh?
(..kāpēc šeit uz grīdas ir siens?)


Rinalds Kārkliņš

from: [info]sb
date: Nov. 28., 2012 - 11:30 pm

the cake is a



from: [info]coda
date: Nov. 29., 2012 - 12:19 am

it is a universally acknowledged truth that a single man in possession of a fortune must be in want of a wife.
like a fucking fairytale.
how _you_ doin?
follow the yellow brick road
hello beastie!
i'm afraid i cannot do that, dave.
if you have to shoot, shoot. don't talk.


from: [info]malafemmina
date: Nov. 29., 2012 - 12:19 am

+1 par Fight Club

es citēju filmu Closer, ainām, ne citātiem :)
un kaut ko no Great Expectations 1998, "ain't love grand" un "chickaboom" un vēl.

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from: [info]malafemmina
date: Nov. 29., 2012 - 03:01 am

ok, precīzāk no Closer:
- Didn't fancy my sandwiches?
- Don't eat fish.
- Why not?
- Fish piss in the sea.
- So do children.
- Don't eat children either.

- Do you want children?
- Yes, but not today.

- Why her?
- 'cause she doesn't need me.

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from: [info]norkoz
date: Nov. 29., 2012 - 12:34 am

universālijas visiem dzīves gadieniem:
1.ķiho baby- vsje pojeģem
2.bļizko k žope rvjoš
3.ja imeju v vidu čisto vkusavyje kačestva

+3stāvīga nolamāšanās:
promandabljadskaja pizdoprojobina


from: [info]norkoz
date: Nov. 29., 2012 - 12:37 am

Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach - Wikiquote - Cached
[edit] Quotes. Der Mensch ist, was er ißt. Man is what he eats.



from: [info]iive
date: Nov. 29., 2012 - 08:02 am

"I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore" - šķiet, viena no citētākajām frāzēm. No Oza zemes burvja.



from: [info]laielais
date: Nov. 29., 2012 - 04:12 pm

I'm so happy. Cause today I found my friends.
They're in my head.



from: [info]zvaigzniit
date: Nov. 29., 2012 - 10:32 pm

Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.
No, I don’t think I will kiss you, although you need kissing, badly. That’s what’s wrong with you. You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how.


from: [info]lapsa123
date: Nov. 30., 2012 - 07:55 pm

eta moja mašina, u manja vse dokumenti v porjadke!
ērik, uznes mani kalnā, esi čalis vai neesi?!
tu saki?!



from: [info]eyemsorry
date: Dec. 2., 2012 - 02:02 pm

Поскользнулся, упал, потерял сознание, очнулся - гипс.



from: [info]eyemsorry
date: Dec. 2., 2012 - 02:15 pm

Kad man ir nauda, tad es nedrīkstu dzert, kad man nav naudas, tad es nevaru dzert! Kad tad lai es dzeru?! (Emīla nedarbi :))
