Furious sleep

Furious sleep

of colourless green ideas

of colourless green ideas

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I'm such a...

crescendo (crescendo)
Jā.. testiņš redz... būs garlaicīgi, papildīšu šodien vēl kaut ko..

You need security.
There has been many changes in your life and
you have had to live in an unstable
environment. This has lead you to be suspicious
and always on guard. Your mind has a hard time
to unwind and this could lead to you having
sleeping problems, since you think too much.
People are a category you don't give much trust
at, and find yourself to be a better secret
keeper than they could ever be. Because in your
changing world you have learnt that you only
have yourself in all times.

What Do You Need in Your Life? [dark pics]
brought to you by Quizilla

Tā kā.. jā, tā es par sevi domāju. Pārliecīga deva paranojas.
Kā cilvēki var būt reizē atklāti un neuzticēties cilvēkiem? Tā tas arī notiek.
Ak jā, testa autors, šķiet, nav native english speaker...

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