Furious sleep

Furious sleep

of colourless green ideas

of colourless green ideas

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Hypnotic Poison

crescendo (crescendo)
Best described as a luxurious,sensual,oriental,woody fragrance.A feminine scent with a combination of top notes consisting of bitter almond,caraway and jasmine combined with middle notes of sandalwood,moss and oakmoss and with a wonderful arry of base notes of musk,cedar and vanilla

Rūgtās mandeles, jasmīnu, sandalkoku, ciedru, vaniļu un sūnas pamanīju. Ķimenes palaidu garām. muskusu nekad neesmu atpazinusi.

Tā... lūdzu, ir idejas par vēl līdzīgām smaržām? Ar vaniļu, mandelēm, jasmīnu un vēl kaut ko pietiekami izteiksmīgu, lai kopskaņa nebūtu izteikti salda?

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