Furious sleep

Furious sleep

of colourless green ideas

of colourless green ideas

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crescendo (crescendo)

Real is NOT: Being Yourself
“Be yourself” is some of the worst advice on planet Earth, because a lot of “selves” are just run-of-the-mill assholes, or kleptocratic authoritarian assholes, or totalitarian genocidal assholes, or just the most left-swipe-able asshole on Earth. There again, although they stayed true to their beliefs, asshole beliefs are at best delusional and at worst pure evil. Not real.

I think I probably fall into the category of being an asshole under the guise of being real. Sometimes I take too many bitch pills in the morning and she oozes to the surface. My inner asshole is mainly a defense mechanism to keep people at bay. I think a lot of us live with the fear that if we ever expose our realness the world will chew us up and spit us out, moving on quickly to its next meal.


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