Furious sleep

Furious sleep

of colourless green ideas

of colourless green ideas

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Anne Rice. Krāsas.

crescendo (crescendo)

   In a storm of proffered adjectives I stood in the piazza and watched spellbound as the Great Council of Venice marched along the Molo, as the High Mass was sung from the altar of San Marco, as the ships moved out on the glassy waves of the Adriatic, as the brushes dipped to gather up their colors and mix them in the earthen pots-rose madder, vermilion , carmine, cerise, cerulean, turquoise, viridian, yellow ocher, burnt umber, quinacridone, citrine, sepia, Caput Mortuum Violet- oh, too lovely-and of a thick lacquer, the name Dragon's blood.

Anne Rice, "Vampire Armand"
Pagāja kāds laiks, kamēr atradu.... Jāmācās svešvalodas, jāmācās :)

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