Veselā miesā vesels gars. |
[Nov. 18th, 2024|11:50 pm] |
Comparison of working memory performance in athletes and non-athletes: a meta-analysis of behavioural studies
"This meta-analysis compared the WM performance of athletes to that of non-athletes. By integrating data from 21 studies involving 1455 participants, our study revealed a statistically significant, albeit small, advantage in WM for athletes compared to non-athletes (Hedges’ g = 0.30). Moreover, this effect persisted across sports types and performance levels. Notably, this advantage was more pronounced when athletes were contrasted with a sedentary population (Hedges’ g = 0.63), compared to the analysis where the sedentary population was excluded from the non-athlete reference group (Hedges’ g = 0.15). Our findings indicate a consistent link between sports expertise and improved WM performance, while sedentary lifestyles appear to be associated with WM disadvantages. These results suggest the cognitive benefits of sports and emphasise the importance of an active lifestyle for enhancing cognitive health." |
Par D vitamīnu. |
[Nov. 8th, 2024|08:21 pm] |
Aizmaldījos pa internetiem līdz podkāstam par D vitamīnu. 2 Doktori apgalvo, ka D vitamīna, kurš nemaz nav vitamīns, jo mēs paši labi varam to saražot, iedod tikai nedaudz saules gaismas, avitaminoze ir reti sastopama un D vitamīna lietošana nav zinātniski pamatota, bet industrijas izdomājums. Video komentos attiecīgi doktori tika nolikti, ka runājot muļķības. Tas man lika pameklēt pētījumus par tēmu. Neatradu pārliecinošus datus par D vitamīna lietošanas vajadzību. D vitamīns esot vispārējās veselības rādītājs, kura līmenis katram indivīdam atšķiras. D vitamīna avitaminozei ir konkrēti sāpīgi simptomi. Prikolīgi, bet būtu labāk videospēles spēlējis, nevis galvu jaucis. |
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[Oct. 26th, 2024|04:41 pm] |
"Over-consumption of iron-rich red meat and hereditary or genetic iron overload are associated with an increased risk of colorectal carcinogenesis, yet the mechanistic basis of how metal-mediated signaling leads to oncogenesis remains enigmatic." |
Velo FTW!!!1 |
[Jul. 17th, 2024|08:05 pm] |
"A study of 31,666 commuters over 18 years found that cyclists have lower risks of various health issues: 47% reduction in mortality, 51% less cancer, 24% fewer hospitalizations for cardiovascular diseases, and better mental health conditions" |
Dienas citāts no reddita dzīlēm. |
[Jun. 28th, 2024|05:32 pm] |
"Healthy eating and keto diet should not be used within the same sentence.
Damn, now I've done it myself." |
Probiotikas. |
[Jun. 27th, 2024|05:31 pm] |
Kā lai tās, kas šaibās un uz kurām vārās farmakoloģijas nozare (brīvais tirgus ftw), strādā, ja cilvēks apēd tikai mikroorganismus, bet neapēd neko, ko tie nabaga organismi varētu konsumēt. Tās probiotikas, kas ir pārtikā, strādā jau labāk, jo tiek apēsts vismaz nedaudz attiecīgajiem organismiem piemērotās paikas. Attiecīgi pēc antibiotiku lietošanas, lielākajai daļai "labo" mikrobu ir izveikts genocīds, savukārt daļa patogēno izdzīvo, un tad vēl ir tādi multirezistentie, kas 100% izdzīvo. Attiecīgi samest tādā mikrobiomā "labos" mikrobus bez paikas šķiet absolūti bezjēdzīgi, jo "sliktie" parasti ir visnotaļ agresīvi un nez vai ļaus "labajiem" gaidīt labos laikus, kad uzradīsies paika.
Tas, cik svarīgi ir ēst pārtiku, kura satur pēc iespējas daudz un dažādas šķiedrvielas (30 dažādi augi nedēļā), kaut ko fermentētu, kaut ko pa taisno no dārza, šķiet ļoti pašsaprotami, jo nav labāku pro, pre, pos utt biotiku kā tās, kas pārtikā un uz tās. Jo daudzveidīgāka sistēma, jo tā ir stabilāka, tas attiecas arī uz mikrobiomu.
Lūk tā man šodien rādās. |
Kāpēc šķiedrvielas ir svarīgi. |
[Jun. 25th, 2024|07:57 pm] |
Introduction: Tryptophan is catabolized by gut microorganisms resulting in a wide range of metabolites implicated in both beneficial and adverse host effects. How gut microbial tryptophan metabolism is directed towards indole, associated with chronic kidney disease, or towards protective indolelactic acid (ILA) and indolepropionic acid (IPA) is unclear.
Methods: Here we used in vitro culturing and animal experiments to assess gut microbial competition for tryptophan and the resulting metabolites in a controlled three-species defined community and in complex undefined human faecal communities.
Results: The generation of specific tryptophan-derived metabolites was not predominantly determined by the abundance of tryptophan-metabolizing bacteria, but rather by substrate-dependent regulation of specific metabolic pathways. Indole-producing Escherichia coli and ILA- and IPA-producing Clostridium sporogenes competed for tryptophan within the three-species community in vitro and in vivo. Importantly, fibre-degrading Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron affected this competition by cross-feeding monosaccharides to E. coli. This inhibited indole production through catabolite repression, thus making more tryptophan available to C. sporogenes, resulting in increased ILA and IPA production. The fibre-dependent reduction in indole was confirmed using human faecal cultures and faecal-microbiota-transplanted gnotobiotic mice.
Conclusion: Our findings explain why consumption of fermentable fibres suppresses indole production but promotes the generation of other tryptophan metabolites associated with health benefits.
Triptofāns ir serotonīna prekursors. Šķiedrvielas ir antidepresants. (Tā es tikko izdomāju) |
Man arī rieksti vienmēr ir šķituši stipri nediētisks, kalorijām bagāts uztura avots. |
[Jun. 19th, 2024|02:14 pm] |
"But in fact, nuts are rich in healthy unsaturated fats, plant protein and dietary fibre, all of which play a role in promoting satiety, and reducing excess calorie consumption. Nuts are associated with improved cardiovascular and metabolic health, better gut health and enhanced cognitive performance." |
Dienas citāts no reddita dzīlēm. |
[Jun. 19th, 2024|10:21 am] |
"Processed meats (ham, pork sausage, bacon, etc.) are class 1 carcinogens, meaning they cause cancer. Red meats (pork, beef, lamb, etc.) are class 2A carcinogens, meaning they probably cause cancer." "Red meats, including pork, are group 2A "probable" carcinogens. The mechanism is known: heme iron. It catalyzes carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds and cytotoxic aldehydes." |
[Apr. 9th, 2024|08:49 pm] |
Šodien atklāju peldsezonu. Tiklīdz sāka sāpēt pēdas un plaukstas, kāpu ārā. |
Šodien uzzināju. |
[Mar. 16th, 2024|10:26 am] |
Izrādās, visi augi satur visas neaizvietojamās aminoskābes. Atšķiras tikai proporcijas. Idejiski var uzņemt visas nepieciešamās pārtiekot no rīsiem vai kartupeļiem. Vienīgi daudz to būs jāapaēd. |
Kas ir bīstamāk kalnu velobraukšana vai šosejas? |
[Mar. 13th, 2024|10:43 am] |
you're more likely to get hurt mountain biking, you're more likely to die road biking. un you'll have lots if minor wrecks on a MTB, sharing the road with cars can make a single incident exponentially worse. |
Mazliet propagandas no |
[Mar. 4th, 2024|02:20 pm] |
Partial substitutions of animal with plant protein foods in Canadian diets have synergies and trade-offs among nutrition, health and climate outcomes.
I veselībai nāk par labu, sevišķi vīriešiem, i visam citam. |