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Pākšaugi FTW!!!1 [Dec. 4th, 2024|07:30 pm]
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Nekas diži jauns. Bonusā tauriņziežu dzimtas augi piesaista slāpekli no gaisa, samazinot vajadzību pēc minerālmēsliem.
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Par saprātīgām būtnēm runājot. [Nov. 16th, 2024|12:41 pm]
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Animal sentience is often thought of as a complex, poorly defined, subjective, and abstract concept, raising as many questions as it does answers. If you talk to different people about their views on animal sentience you will undoubtedly get various responses. If you asked a pet owner whether animals have feelings, they would regale you with stories of when their dog comforts them, or is proud of himself when he opens a closed door. A farmer who works closely with his or her animals may tell you about how cow number 19 likes being tickled behind her ears, and how cow number 25 is the shy and cautious one. But then you may talk to someone who sees animals only in terms of their monetary value. Animals to such people are not living, sentient beings, they represent commodities. It is far easier for them to see animals in this way but far less convenient for them to consider their ability to suffer or their need to experience positive emotions like pleasure. How people perceive animals is never black and white, attitudes may depend on the species in question, and the animals perceived mental ability [47]. However, when you consider how we treat the animals we farm for food, experiment upon, or use for entertainment, you can clearly see how important these perspectives are, and which the dominant ones are.
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Jā, tas ir tieši tik vienkārši. [Nov. 11th, 2024|08:47 pm]
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Europe’s top farming university is calling for smaller livestock herds and a shift toward plant-based diets.

"Most of Europe’s meat now comes from factory farms, which leak chemicals into soils and rivers, heighten the spread of animal diseases and antibiotic resistance, and violate animal welfare. "
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Par D vitamīnu. [Nov. 8th, 2024|08:21 pm]
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Aizmaldījos pa internetiem līdz podkāstam par D vitamīnu. 2 Doktori apgalvo, ka D vitamīna, kurš nemaz nav vitamīns, jo mēs paši labi varam to saražot, iedod tikai nedaudz saules gaismas, avitaminoze ir reti sastopama un D vitamīna lietošana nav zinātniski pamatota, bet industrijas izdomājums. Video komentos attiecīgi doktori tika nolikti, ka runājot muļķības.
Tas man lika pameklēt pētījumus par tēmu. Neatradu pārliecinošus datus par D vitamīna lietošanas vajadzību. D vitamīns esot vispārējās veselības rādītājs, kura līmenis katram indivīdam atšķiras. D vitamīna avitaminozei ir konkrēti sāpīgi simptomi. Prikolīgi, bet būtu labāk videospēles spēlējis, nevis galvu jaucis.
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Neliela gaļas patēriņa samazināšana bagātākajās valstīs varētu palīdzēt cīņā pret klimata pārmaiņām. [Nov. 5th, 2024|06:14 pm]
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Lūdzu, daram tā.
link5 comments|post comment [Oct. 26th, 2024|04:41 pm]
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"Over-consumption of iron-rich red meat and hereditary or genetic iron overload are associated with an increased risk of colorectal carcinogenesis, yet the mechanistic basis of how metal-mediated signaling leads to oncogenesis remains enigmatic."
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The Impact Plant-Based Diets Have on Athletic Performance and Body Composition: A Systematic Review [Jun. 29th, 2024|06:42 pm]
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Patīkami, kad personīgā anekdote sakrīt ar objektīvo realitāti.

Following a plant-based diet does not harm athletic performance.
Plant-based diets may improve maximal oxygen consumption, vertical countermovement jumps, and relative strength.
There is no evidence that plant-based diets are detrimental to athletic performance or body composition.
The long-term implications and the affect following a plant-based diet has on athletic performance in professional athletes are still unknown.
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Kāpēc šķiedrvielas ir svarīgi. [Jun. 25th, 2024|07:57 pm]
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Introduction: Tryptophan is catabolized by gut microorganisms resulting in a wide range of metabolites implicated in both beneficial and adverse host effects. How gut microbial tryptophan metabolism is directed towards indole, associated with chronic kidney disease, or towards protective indolelactic acid (ILA) and indolepropionic acid (IPA) is unclear.

Methods: Here we used in vitro culturing and animal experiments to assess gut microbial competition for tryptophan and the resulting metabolites in a controlled three-species defined community and in complex undefined human faecal communities.

Results: The generation of specific tryptophan-derived metabolites was not predominantly determined by the abundance of tryptophan-metabolizing bacteria, but rather by substrate-dependent regulation of specific metabolic pathways. Indole-producing Escherichia coli and ILA- and IPA-producing Clostridium sporogenes competed for tryptophan within the three-species community in vitro and in vivo. Importantly, fibre-degrading Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron affected this competition by cross-feeding monosaccharides to E. coli. This inhibited indole production through catabolite repression, thus making more tryptophan available to C. sporogenes, resulting in increased ILA and IPA production. The fibre-dependent reduction in indole was confirmed using human faecal cultures and faecal-microbiota-transplanted gnotobiotic mice.

Conclusion: Our findings explain why consumption of fermentable fibres suppresses indole production but promotes the generation of other tryptophan metabolites associated with health benefits.

Triptofāns ir serotonīna prekursors. Šķiedrvielas ir antidepresants. (Tā es tikko izdomāju)
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Man arī rieksti vienmēr ir šķituši stipri nediētisks, kalorijām bagāts uztura avots. [Jun. 19th, 2024|02:14 pm]
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"But in fact, nuts are rich in healthy unsaturated fats, plant protein and dietary fibre, all of which play a role in promoting satiety, and reducing excess calorie consumption. Nuts are associated with improved cardiovascular and metabolic health, better gut health and enhanced cognitive performance."
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[Jun. 19th, 2024|12:16 pm]
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Ne tas saldākais avots, bet ..
" A surprising range of creatures have shown evidence of conscious thought or experience, including insects, fish and some crustaceans.

That has prompted a group of top researchers on animal cognition to publish a new pronouncement that they hope will transform how scientists and society view — and care — for animals."
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Bija aizdomas, ka keto nav nekas labs. [Jun. 16th, 2024|03:10 pm]
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Zinu, ka neesam žurkas, bet...
High-fat diet, microbiome-gut-brain axis signaling, and anxiety-like behavior in male rats
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[May. 27th, 2024|07:07 pm]
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How Not to Age
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Mazliet propagandas no [Mar. 4th, 2024|02:20 pm]
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Partial substitutions of animal with plant protein foods in Canadian diets have synergies and trade-offs among nutrition, health and climate outcomes.

I veselībai nāk par labu, sevišķi vīriešiem, i visam citam.
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Nu ja, es jau sen saku. [Feb. 2nd, 2024|05:44 pm]
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"Funding should be moved away from animal agriculture towards “lower-emitting products and activities,” according to Europe’s top scientific advisors. The European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change made the comment in a new report titled “Towards EU climate neutrality.”"
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Vecas ziņas no Oksfordas universitātes par Science žurnālā publicētu pētījumu. [Nov. 28th, 2023|02:17 pm]
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Interesanti, ka tiek ņemti 100g olbaltumvielu un iekļauti arī fasēšanas un transportēšanas izdevumi.
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[Oct. 3rd, 2023|07:56 pm]
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Interesanti par zarnu mikrofloru

"Our gut microbiome is connected to our brain through chemicals and neurotransmitters, playing a key role in our mental health and overall well-being."
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Healthy diet for adults Fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, whole grains. [Jul. 6th, 2023|08:20 pm]
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Pasaules veselības organizācijas viedoklis par to, kas ir veselīga diēta.
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[Mar. 17th, 2023|01:13 pm]
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Profesionāla uztura zinātnieka viedoklis par uzturu. Par dažādiem mītiem. Par proteīnu, par dzelzi, par holesterīnu. 12 min.

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[Nov. 11th, 2022|09:49 am]
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Izrādās suņiem vegāna diēta ir vairāk kā piemērota. Ļoti ceru, ka tiks turpināta padziļināta izpēte šinī jautājumā.
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Par veselīgu diētu. [May. 9th, 2022|10:47 am]
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The World Health Organization (WHO) makes the following five recommendations with respect to both populations and individuals:

Maintain a healthy weight by eating roughly the same number of calories that your body is using.
Limit intake of fats. No more than 30% of the total calories should come from fats. Prefer unsaturated fats to saturated fats. Avoid trans fats.
Eat at least 400 grams of fruits and vegetables per day (potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava and other starchy roots do not count). A healthy diet also contains legumes (e.g. lentils, beans), whole grains and nuts.
Limit the intake of simple sugars to less than 10% of calorie (below 5% of calories or 25 grams may be even better).
Limit salt / sodium from all sources and ensure that salt is iodized. Less than 5 grams of salt per day can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

savādi, nez kāpēc nerekomendē patērēt gaļu vai citus dzīvnieku izcelsmes produktus, laikam nav ar cibas karnivoriem pakonsultējušies :)

The American Heart Association, World Cancer Research Fund, and American Institute for Cancer Research recommend a diet that consists mostly of unprocessed plant foods, with emphasis on a wide range of whole grains, legumes, and non-starchy vegetables and fruits. .. Finally, limiting consumption of sugary drinks, limiting energy rich foods, including "fast foods" and red meat, and avoiding processed meats improves health and longevity.

The Nutrition Source of Harvard School of Public Health makes the following 10 recommendations for a healthy diet:

Choose good carbohydrates: whole grains (the less processed the better), vegetables, fruits and beans. Avoid white bread, white rice, and the like as well as pastries, sugared sodas, and other highly processed food.
Pay attention to the protein package: good choices include fish, poultry, nuts, and beans. Try to avoid red meat.
Choose foods containing healthy fats. Plant oils, nuts, and fish are the best choices. Limit consumption of saturated fats, and avoid foods with trans fat.
Choose a fiber-filled diet which includes whole grains, vegetables, and fruits.
Eat more vegetables and fruits—the more colorful and varied, the better.
Include adequate amounts of calcium in the diet; however, milk is not the best or only source. Good sources of calcium are collards, bok choy, fortified soy milk, baked beans, and supplements containing calcium and vitamin D.
Prefer water over other beverages. Avoid sugary drinks, and limit intake of juices and milk. Coffee, tea, artificially-sweetened drinks, 100% fruit juices, low-fat milk and alcohol can fit into a healthy diet but are best consumed in moderation. Sports drinks are recommended only for people who exercise more than an hour at a stretch to replace substances lost in sweat.
Limit salt intake. Choose more fresh foods, instead of processed ones.
Drink alcohol in moderation. Doing so has health benefits, but is not recommended for everyone.
Consider intake of daily multivitamin and extra vitamin D, as these have potential health benefits.
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