Atnāca atklāsme. |
[Dec. 16th, 2024|04:04 pm] |
Krietnu brīdi nevarēju beigt brīnīties par to, ka pārtikas tehnologi par visām varitēm cenšas visur un visam pievienot vājpiena sūkalu pulveri. Čipšiem, piparkūkām, cepumiem, šokolādei utt utjp Un tad es sapratu. Tiek ražots neprātīgi milzīgs daudzums dažādu piena produktu - siers, biezpiens, sviests, jogurti utt utjp. Ražošanas procesā rodas milzīgs daudzums blakusprodukta jeb vājpiena sūkalas. Lūk arī atbilde, nekā personīga, prasts bizness. Kaut kā tak tas sūds ir jāiedabū nabaga patērētājā. Izcils risinājums kā appošļīt pēc iespējas vairāk pārtikas produktu ar strutu sekrēta ekstraktu. |
Dienas oksimorons. |
[Dec. 5th, 2024|04:03 pm] |
Idejiskais vegāns.
Jā, viss ir tieši tik vienkārši - cilvēks lieto (nav vegāns) vai nelieto (ir vegāns) dzīvnieku izcelsmes produktus.
Bonusam vēl viens oksimorons - karojošais vegāns. Ceru, ka šim paskaidrojumu nevajag. |
Dienas citāts. |
[Dec. 5th, 2024|12:33 pm] |
"As long as there are slaughterhouses there will be battlefields." |
Eds ir dievīgs. |
[Nov. 27th, 2024|09:09 pm] |
Sarkasma paraugstunda un pārītis "ģeniālu" apgalvojumu. uzmaniespropaganda |
Somija, lets go! |
[Nov. 21st, 2024|01:11 pm] |
Finland's updated dietary guidelines recommend significantly reducing the consumption of processed meats, such as cold cuts and sausages, to mitigate health risks like colon cancer. Instead, the guidelines emphasise the importance of a plant-based diet that includes 500 to 800 grams of fruits and vegetables daily. Meat companies Atria and Snellman responded cautiously, stating that consumer choice remains essential and that they have no immediate plans to change their products. They acknowledged that the recommendations might significantly impact public sector catering more than individual eating habits, with broader changes expected in the long term. |
Par saprātīgām būtnēm runājot. |
[Nov. 16th, 2024|12:41 pm] |
Animal sentience is often thought of as a complex, poorly defined, subjective, and abstract concept, raising as many questions as it does answers. If you talk to different people about their views on animal sentience you will undoubtedly get various responses. If you asked a pet owner whether animals have feelings, they would regale you with stories of when their dog comforts them, or is proud of himself when he opens a closed door. A farmer who works closely with his or her animals may tell you about how cow number 19 likes being tickled behind her ears, and how cow number 25 is the shy and cautious one. But then you may talk to someone who sees animals only in terms of their monetary value. Animals to such people are not living, sentient beings, they represent commodities. It is far easier for them to see animals in this way but far less convenient for them to consider their ability to suffer or their need to experience positive emotions like pleasure. How people perceive animals is never black and white, attitudes may depend on the species in question, and the animals perceived mental ability [47]. However, when you consider how we treat the animals we farm for food, experiment upon, or use for entertainment, you can clearly see how important these perspectives are, and which the dominant ones are. |
[Nov. 16th, 2024|09:43 am] |
Atradu stilīgu definīciju. |
[Jul. 2nd, 2024|04:23 pm] |
"A philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals." |
Probiotikas. |
[Jun. 27th, 2024|05:31 pm] |
Kā lai tās, kas šaibās un uz kurām vārās farmakoloģijas nozare (brīvais tirgus ftw), strādā, ja cilvēks apēd tikai mikroorganismus, bet neapēd neko, ko tie nabaga organismi varētu konsumēt. Tās probiotikas, kas ir pārtikā, strādā jau labāk, jo tiek apēsts vismaz nedaudz attiecīgajiem organismiem piemērotās paikas. Attiecīgi pēc antibiotiku lietošanas, lielākajai daļai "labo" mikrobu ir izveikts genocīds, savukārt daļa patogēno izdzīvo, un tad vēl ir tādi multirezistentie, kas 100% izdzīvo. Attiecīgi samest tādā mikrobiomā "labos" mikrobus bez paikas šķiet absolūti bezjēdzīgi, jo "sliktie" parasti ir visnotaļ agresīvi un nez vai ļaus "labajiem" gaidīt labos laikus, kad uzradīsies paika.
Tas, cik svarīgi ir ēst pārtiku, kura satur pēc iespējas daudz un dažādas šķiedrvielas (30 dažādi augi nedēļā), kaut ko fermentētu, kaut ko pa taisno no dārza, šķiet ļoti pašsaprotami, jo nav labāku pro, pre, pos utt biotiku kā tās, kas pārtikā un uz tās. Jo daudzveidīgāka sistēma, jo tā ir stabilāka, tas attiecas arī uz mikrobiomu.
Lūk tā man šodien rādās. |
[Jun. 19th, 2024|12:16 pm] |
Ne tas saldākais avots, bet .. " A surprising range of creatures have shown evidence of conscious thought or experience, including insects, fish and some crustaceans.
That has prompted a group of top researchers on animal cognition to publish a new pronouncement that they hope will transform how scientists and society view — and care — for animals." |
Dienas citāts no reddita dzīlēm. |
[Apr. 9th, 2024|09:01 pm] |
"Wasting agricultural land on feeding food to food has got to go. Wasting agricultural land on feeding cars also has to go." |
Mazliet propagandas no |
[Mar. 4th, 2024|02:20 pm] |
Partial substitutions of animal with plant protein foods in Canadian diets have synergies and trade-offs among nutrition, health and climate outcomes.
I veselībai nāk par labu, sevišķi vīriešiem, i visam citam. |
Nu ja, es jau sen saku. |
[Feb. 2nd, 2024|05:44 pm] |
"Funding should be moved away from animal agriculture towards “lower-emitting products and activities,” according to Europe’s top scientific advisors. The European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change made the comment in a new report titled “Towards EU climate neutrality.”" |
Desa un alcheimers. |
[Jan. 31st, 2024|05:05 pm] |
"A study has found a strong link between Alzheimer's disease and the daily consumption of meat-based and processed foods." "Those diagnosed with Alzheimer’s tended to regularly eat foods such as meat pies, sausages, ham, pizza and hamburgers." |