Human is the awkward liminal phase between animal and machine


6124 0610

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State: working
Sound: Linea Aspera - LP II: Entanglement

5120 1002

Frāze “tikai sci-fi salasījušos stulbeņus piš kaut kāds kosmoss” ir diezgan iespaidīga jau pati par sevi, bet brīdī, kad tā tiek producēta tekstā, kas sastāv no Muldašova līmeņa fi-bez-sci fantāzijām par izbijušo civilizāciju it kā augsto godību, kā atbilde uz jautājumu par šīs godības novērojamas evidences acīmredzamo iztrūkumu, tā pārvar ironijas gaismas ātrumu un kļūst par kaut ko transcendentālu, episku un pārlaicīgu.

Aplausi auditorijā pāraug vētrainās ovācijās, astronomi un astronauti notrauš pa skopai asarai un izlavās pa pakaļdurvīm laukā kautrīgi uzsmēķēt.

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State: amused
Sound: Alphaxone - Edge Of Solitude: Overland

24217 1721

Uztveramvielas kombo: Mecingera “Being No One: The Self-Model Theory of Subjectivity”, Vatsa “Blindsight” un “True Detective”.

... tālāk ... )

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State: working
Sound: Alphaxone & protoU - Stardust: Consumed

12916 0048

A reflection of our ultimate understanding of a complex system is our ability to control its behavior.

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State: awake
Sound: Kammarheit - The Starwheel: Klockstapeln

15915 2207

Kā brāļi zem taisnleņķa un cirkuļa, mēs šādi balsojam: dzēst no mūsu rita itin visas atsauces uz T. G. A. O. T. U.1, atcelt frāzi “[Mūsu] principi ir Dieva esamība, dvēseles nemirstība un cilvēku solidaritāte” un pārcelt to kā “[Mūsu] principi ir domas brīvība un cilvēku solidaritāte.” Kā arī mēs atsakāmies no doktrīnas un dogmas mūsu principu afirmācijā un nolemjam šādi: tā, kā mūsu Institūcija ir tās pamatos filantropiska, filosofiska un progresīva, tad mūsu darba mērķis lai ir un paliek patiesības meklējumi, universālas morāles studijas, kā arī zinātņu un mākslu labvēlīga prakse. Mēs galīgi nolemjam neatstāt aiz durvīm nevienu viņa uzskatu labad, bet gan vest viņu pie brīvības, vienlīdzības un brālības trim dižajām gaismām.

/No Francijas Lielā orienta nolikuma “Concernant les trois grandes lumières”, 1877.g./

Franču žīdmasoņi ir sakarīgi.


1 The Grand Architect of the Universe

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State: awake
Sound: Avaritia - Pulse: To Preserve And Never To Forget

13915 1702

I’m getting very nice epileptogenic behaviour out of the last few experiments. ‪#‎ShitNeuroscientistsSay‬

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State: working
Sound: Grendel - Timewave Zero: Wheels In Motion

30815 0443

For some people eating is a terminal value, and for the rest of us there’s Soylent. /K. Sotala/

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State: working
Sound: Android Lust - Devour, Rise, And Take Flight: Memory Game

10815 2134

Finis fundationis nostræ est cognitio causarum et motuum ac virtutem interiorum in natura, atque terminorum imperii humani prolatio ad omne possibile.

The end of our foundation is the knowledge of causes and the secret motion of things, and the enlarging of the bounds of human domain, to the effecting of all things possible.

Mūsu dibinājuma galamērķis ir zināšanas par lietu cēloņiem un to apslēpto kustību, un cilvēka valdījumu robežu paplašināšana līdz visam, kas vien ir iespējams.

/F. Bēkons, “Nova Atlantis”, 1627/

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State: awake
Sound: Lustmord - Zoetrope: Amalgamated Man

4715 0815

Образование — это как эрекция, если оно есть, то его видно (h/t [info]ctulhu).

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State: working
Sound: Autumn - Summer's End: Gallery Of Reality

26615 1721

Synthetic biology has the potential to make organisms more resistant to radiation or temperature extremes. You can mix and match genes and do all sorts of things that if you were breeding [organisms] would take forever. Say we find a planet, and it has a certain pH, temperature, and radiation regime. That’s where we take up the challenge and go into the lab. We’ll say, “All right, let’s start with this one that can live at low pH and high temperature. Can we add the radiation resistance?” Then, we can go back to the astronomers and say that [habitability] is not impossible, because we just made something in the lab like that last week.

/We Might Create Alien Life in a Lab Before We Find It in Space/

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State: awake
Sound: Ego Likeness - The Order Of The Reptile: Severine

22615 1357

Disclaimer: Follows a core dump of semi-formulated semi-beliefs, decidedly not intended to be taken as suggestions or advice. Caveat lector.

... )

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State: working
Sound: Android Lust - The Dividing: Burn

18615 1340

Considered under the most general point of view, the essential object of the machine being to calculate, according to the laws dictated to it, the values of numerical coefficients which it is then to distribute appropriately on the columns which represent the variables, it follows that the interpretation of formulae and of results is beyond its province, unless indeed this very interpretation be itself susceptible of expression by means of the symbols which the machine employs. Thus, although it is not itself the being that reflects, it may yet be considered as the being which executes the conceptions of intelligence.
/L. F. Menabrea & A. Augusta, Countess of Lovelace, Sketch of the Analytical Engine Invented by Charles Babbage, Esq., 1842/

Gadsimtu pirms Tjūringa, izcēlums mans.

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State: working
Sound: Hungry Lucy - Pulse Of The Earth: Balloon Girl

4615 2328

Rīt — darba intervija, rīt, parīt un, iespējams, aizparīt — papīra rakstīšana, kaut kur turpat tumsā rēgojas sarunas ar murgukaula vāciešiem. Cik labi, ka man nav dvēseles. Būtu dvēsele — darāmās lietas krātos uz dvēseles. Tagad tās krājas uz galda1 (h/t [info]ctulhu).


1 Un HDD.

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State: working
Sound: Rome - Masse Mensch Material: Nachtklang

16515 0530

In the future, every decision that mankind makes is going to be informed by a cognitive system like Watson, and our lives will be better for it.

/V. Rometi, IBM priekšsēdētāja un ģenerāldirektore, par esošo un topošo/

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State: awake
Sound: Android Lust - The Dividing: Fall To Fragments

15515 2153

D. Denets: Thank goodness!

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State: working
Sound: Grendel - Timewave Zero: Wheels In Motion
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