Human is the awkward liminal phase between animal and machine


11322 1440

Paņemt no Švāba “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” tos fragmentus, kur ir runa par “fusion of technologies across the physical, digital, and biological worlds”, “designer beings and nanotechnologies” un “more aggressive funding for ambitious research programmes”, izlaist tos, kur tiek aicināts ieviest globālo egalitārismu un panoptikonu, aizvietot pēdējos ar izpēti decentralizācijas, merkantilu DAO-augmentētu pilsētvalstu, uz brīvu asociēšanos bāzētas diverģējošas ekspansijas un “patchwork” ģeopolitikas virzienos un būs noiets diezgan liels ceļa gabals manu pēdējo gadu uzskatu par tehnoloģijām un politiku virzienā.

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State: awake
Sound: Угасание - Врастая В Вечность: Северное Одиночество

17518 1336

Things I want:

  • a PDF of this article

Things I don’t want:

  • an “enhanced” PDF
  • an “interactive” PDF
  • some ReadCube bullshit
  • a PDF of this and some other articles in this issue

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State: working
Sound: Dronny Darko - Black Hive: Rivers Of Glass

11817 1531

I’ve finally reached the stage where Facebook shows me ads for flow cytometry and spike train analysis instead of games or restaurants.

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State: working
Sound: Dronny Darko - Neuroplasticity: Electrical Membrane

8317 2230

Varbūt nākotnē informāciju par dalību pasākumos varētu izziņot reizē ar pasākumu “miroņstrīpu”. Triju dienu laikā varbūt vēl var mēģināt tikt pie sarakstītiem papīriem un sakontaktētiem cilvēkiem, tā taču ir izlaidība.

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State: blank
Sound: Fields Of The Nephilim - Mourning Sun: Straight To The Light

6317 2305

That moment when the number of recommended pages in the pre-proposal form exceeds by three the maximum page count allowed in said form.

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State: working
Sound: Sabled Sun - 2148: God Is Binary

5317 1514

I think that, from now on, whenever anyone claims that anthropogenic climate change is a myth or a conspiracy, instead of explaining that increase of CO2 in the atmosphere leads to rise in ambient temperatures, I should say something along these lines:

“The roto-vibrational absorption lines, determined as the eigenvalues of the quantum oscillator model of atmospheric molecules like CO2, interact with specific wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation emitted from the surface and isotropically from the atmosphere. The envelope of actual emission follows the black-body Planck function but with spectral features corresponding to the lines of the emitting gas and surface, collisionally broadened.

For radiation emitted from the surface, Wien’s displacement law dictates that the bulk of the emitted energy falls within a few μm on either side of about 10 μm. CO2 absorbs in this wavelength and, following from Kirchoff’s law, also re-emits at that same wavelength, resulting in an increase of downward infrared flux convergence. The resultant radiative heating is a function of the local atmospheric density and the volumetric heat capacity at a constant pressure, assuming a collisionally-equilibrium gas with a Maxwellian velocity distribution, with the energy being radiated isotropically, including the 2π sr solid angle towards the ground.

Some of that radiation makes it to the surface where it may be absorbed but the precise value of heating must be determined by solving the Schwarzchild equation of radiative transfer, given known spectral properties of all present gases and taking into account the Doppler broadening of the quantum emission line.

Which part of this do you disagree with?”

In so many words, science communication is very important but it requires the public to be able to distinguish evidence from deeply held opinions. Again, teaching the basics of rationality and so raising the sanity waterline seems to be more important than ever.

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State: working
Sound: Aegri Somnia - Endtime Psalms: C.A.H.R.

91116 0955

Back to work.

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State: busy
Sound: Inade - Antimimon Pneumatos: Canon Of Proportion

191016 1624

Finally learning HDF5. So far, so terrified.

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State: working
Sound: Rome - The Hyperion Machine: Die Mörder Mühsams

28916 0352

Beers: 6, lines of code written: 1215, lines of code read: no idea, pages read: 40, pages written: 2.5, uptime: 50 h, tired: yes. Good night.

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State: tired
Sound: Millipede - A Mist And A Vapor: Nothing Certain

17916 0244

No pēdējā laika labākā populārā līmeņa raksta par cognitive bias tēmu.

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State: awake
Sound: Rome - The Hyperion Machine: Cities Of Asylum

12916 0048

A reflection of our ultimate understanding of a complex system is our ability to control its behavior.

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State: awake
Sound: Kammarheit - The Starwheel: Klockstapeln

15716 1250

My actual life right now. Courtesy of @ResearchMark.

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State: working
Sound: Headscan - Shaper And Mechanist: Body Of Memory

22516 1349

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State: working
Sound: Darkmatter - HDEΛTH02: Vexper

16516 2137

Data are. If you’re lucky. Mostly data are not.

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State: awake
Sound: Alcest - Les Voyages De L'Âme: Summer's Glory

1416 1337

Clear and present future: Verilog to DNA compiler, paper, supplementary material, demo. Not an April Fools joke.

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State: impressed
Sound: Atrium Carceri - Void: Passage

17216 0342

To destroy the Earth: motivation, numbers.

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State: awake
Sound: Avaritia - Pulse: To Preserve And Never To Forget

12216 0123

Gravitācijas viļņibeidzot oficiāli reģistrēti, iespaidīgs LIGO un Virgo komandu sasniegums.

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State: awake
Sound: Ainulindalë - The Lay Of Leithian: In Menegroth

9216 2302

Izmantojot plastinācijas un krionikas kombināciju, izstrādāta metode, kas ātri un precīzi saglabā pilnu smadzeņu struktūru līdz atsevišķu sinapšu izšķirtspējai. Izstrādne ieguvusi BPF Small Mammal Prize balvu un projekts tiek ievirzīts nākamajā stadijā.

Focus now shifts to the final Large Mammal phase of the contest which requires an intact pig brain to be preserved with similar fidelity in a manner that could be directly adapted to terminal patients in a hospital setting. [..] This result directly answers a main skeptical and scientific criticism against cryonics – that it does not provably preserve the delicate synaptic circuitry of the brain. As such, this research sets the stage for renewed interest within the scientific community, and offers a potential challenge to medical researchers to develop a human surgical procedure based on these successful animal experiments.

Preses relīze, publikācija “Cryobiology” žurnālā (pilns teksts).

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State: working
Sound: Hungry Lucy - Pulse Of The Earth: Balloon Girl

8216 2143

Kārtējo reizi akūti izjūtu diennakts stundu nepietiekamību (vai iespējas uz laiku pavairot sevi vairākos eksemplāros trūkumu).

BTW, vietējie bio/neiro cilvēki ([info]panacea?) – kā jūs tulkotu “dendritic spines”? “Sariņi”? “Dzelksnīši”? “Izaugumi”? Ja arī eksistē akceptēts latviskais tulkojums, tad līdz šim neesmu tādu atradis. Pats pagaidām sliecos uz “izaugumiem”.

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State: working
Sound: Funker Vogt - Blutzoll: My Innermost

4216 1408

Pilnībā norobežojos no prof. Kalviņa teiktā (ja pārstāstīts korekti) un kā zinātnieks zinātniekam prasu pierādījumus, kas ņemtu vērā pašreizējos datus.

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State: working
Sound: Ugasanie - Eye Of Tunguska: Attempt To Contact
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