302cc9b4780f8cbef6f70c3a8417913050b6aafb ([info]mindbound) rakstīja,
@ 2016-02-09 23:02:00

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Mūzika:Hungry Lucy - Pulse Of The Earth: Balloon Girl

Izmantojot plastinācijas un krionikas kombināciju, izstrādāta metode, kas ātri un precīzi saglabā pilnu smadzeņu struktūru līdz atsevišķu sinapšu izšķirtspējai. Izstrādne ieguvusi BPF Small Mammal Prize balvu un projekts tiek ievirzīts nākamajā stadijā.

Focus now shifts to the final Large Mammal phase of the contest which requires an intact pig brain to be preserved with similar fidelity in a manner that could be directly adapted to terminal patients in a hospital setting. [..] This result directly answers a main skeptical and scientific criticism against cryonics – that it does not provably preserve the delicate synaptic circuitry of the brain. As such, this research sets the stage for renewed interest within the scientific community, and offers a potential challenge to medical researchers to develop a human surgical procedure based on these successful animal experiments.

Preses relīze, publikācija “Cryobiology” žurnālā (pilns teksts).

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