Human is the awkward liminal phase between animal and machine


20515 0507

Keep an eye on Optalysys. Interesting things will probably come out of it.

Optalysys’s initial products will launch in 2017 and are expected to enable existing computers to achieve HPC-levels of performance up to an equivalent processing rate of 9 petaFLOPs – comparable to the 5th fastest computer in the world today. Following that we plan to pursue the design of larger systems capable of achieving multiple exaFLOPs by 2020.
/2015-04-27 preses relīze/

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State: awake
Sound: Avaritia - Pulse: Your Inability

19515 1149

Robots-ķirurgs uzliek šuves pudelē ieliktai vīnogai, kopskats — taisnā ceļā no zinātniskās fantastikas klasikas.

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State: blank
Sound: Rome - A Passage To Rhodesia: The Fever Tree

16515 0530

In the future, every decision that mankind makes is going to be informed by a cognitive system like Watson, and our lives will be better for it.

/V. Rometi, IBM priekšsēdētāja un ģenerāldirektore, par esošo un topošo/

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State: awake
Sound: Android Lust - The Dividing: Fall To Fragments
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