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mama drama [userpic]

Latvju zīmju nedienas turpinās - klasesbiedri apvainojuši Simonu chatGPT lietošanā, kas tam izmetis nepareizās zīmes, jo Laimas zīme un skujiņa esot dažādas lietas.

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zintish [userpic]

kurš būtu tāds sakarīgāks go-to ziņu portāls (vai jaunumu iegūšanas vietne) ? var nebūt LV

mama drama [userpic]
Simons un latvju zīmes

jumis ir tāds bluetooth logo bez līnijas vidū

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mama drama [userpic]

Poll #21709 poke
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Kurš ir tavs mīļākais pokemons?

zazis [userpic]
Stravas 100K izaicinājums.

15. februāris un strava man saka, ka 100K skriešanas izaicinājums februārī ir izpildīts(101K 9h42min). Man ir aizdomas, ka 300K nesanāks.

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zintish [userpic]

šodien ir tā diena, kad beidzot gribas gavilēt: pavasaris nāk !!

zazis [userpic]
Gaļas industrijas sponsorēts pētījums izdara secinājumu.

"Isonitrogenous meals containing a moderate serving of total protein from foods providing complete, complementary, or incomplete essential amino acid profiles do not differentially stimulate muscle protein synthesis after a meal and daily."

WWC received funding for research grants, travel or honoraria for scientific presentations, or consulting services from the following organizations: The Beef Checkoff, Pork Checkoff, North Dakota Beef Commission, Barilla Group, Mushroom Council, National Chicken Council, Foundation for Meat and Poultry Research and Education, and American Egg Board’s Egg Nutrition Center.

Turpināšu vien izklaidi, pie jautājumiem par olbaltumvielam un kur tās dabūt, atkārtot, ka visi augi satur visas neaizvietojamās aminoskābes.
Man personīgi viens no jautrākajiem pētījumiem pēdējā laikā par attiecīgo tēmu (olbaltumvielas).

lavendera [userpic]

Vai ir kāda atšķirība kraukšķī garšā, kad žagariņus cep taukos un kad eļļā?

zazis [userpic]

Vai tu jau saglabāji sava žurnāla arhīvu?

zintish [userpic]

labi, ka ciba is back

zazis [userpic]

Šodien konstatēju, ka varu skriet 10 min ar tempu 4:30min/km pie pulsa 142bpm un mierīgi elpot caur degunu. Varbūt tiešām šopavasar izdosies uzstādīt jaunu personigo rekordu maratona distancē, jāturpina nopoetni gatavoties, pagaidām sanāk.

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Meistars [userpic]

Jāpajautā cibiņiem kadā īsti ir pieredze ar savu iepriekšējo auto pārdošanu, kā veicies pašiem, varbūt varat ieteikt kādu servisu, kas nesāpīgi un jauki to nokārto?

mama drama [userpic]

nesu zobos vīnogas uz izlietni

zazis [userpic]

Protams, ka aptiekārus kaitina veselīga uztura un dzīvesveida propaganda. Paliks vēl bez darbiņa, ko tad!?

gnidrologs [userpic]

Komunisti satrakojušies, ka kāds atļaujas viņu korumpētās, totalitārās pakaļas ravēt laukā. Tas ir drauds "viņu demokrātijai".

zazis [userpic]
Tas tik ir līmenis.

Priecāties, ka kremlis iespaido kārtējās vēlēšanas Eiropā.

zazis [userpic]
Dīpsīks par AI bīstamību saka šitā.

"AI has the potential to be dangerous for humanity if not developed and managed responsibly. Here are some key risks:

1. Unintended Consequences
Misaligned Goals: AI systems might optimize for objectives that don't fully align with human values, leading to harmful outcomes. For example, an AI tasked with maximizing efficiency might exploit resources or harm humans if not properly constrained.

Unpredictable Behavior: Complex AI systems, especially those using deep learning, can behave in ways that are difficult to predict or understand, even for their creators.

2. Autonomous Weapons
AI-powered weapons could make lethal decisions without human intervention, leading to unintended escalation in conflicts or misuse by malicious actors.

The proliferation of such weapons could destabilize global security.

3. Job Displacement
AI automation could lead to widespread job losses, particularly in industries reliant on repetitive tasks, exacerbating economic inequality and social unrest.

4. Surveillance and Privacy Violations
AI can be used for mass surveillance, enabling governments or corporations to monitor and control populations, eroding privacy and civil liberties.

5. Bias and Discrimination
AI systems trained on biased data can perpetuate or amplify existing societal biases, leading to unfair treatment of certain groups in areas like hiring, lending, or law enforcement.

6. Concentration of Power
AI development is dominated by a few large corporations and governments, which could lead to monopolistic control over technology, further concentrating power and wealth.

7. Existential Risks
Advanced AI systems, particularly artificial general intelligence (AGI), could surpass human intelligence and become uncontrollable. If their goals are not aligned with human survival and well-being, they could pose an existential threat.

8. Dependence on AI
Over-reliance on AI systems could make societies vulnerable to catastrophic failures if those systems malfunction or are compromised.

9. Malicious Use
AI can be weaponized by bad actors for cyberattacks, disinformation campaigns, or other harmful purposes, making it easier to cause large-scale damage.

10. Environmental Impact
Training large AI models requires significant computational resources, contributing to energy consumption and environmental degradation.

Mitigating the Risks
To address these dangers, it is crucial to:

Develop AI with robust safety mechanisms and ethical guidelines.

Ensure transparency and accountability in AI systems.

Promote international cooperation to regulate AI development and use.

Invest in research to align AI goals with human values.

Foster public awareness and engagement in AI governance.

While AI has immense potential to benefit humanity, its risks must be carefully managed to avoid catastrophic outcomes."

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zintish [userpic]

sākām šovakar runāt par Gazu, aizrunājāmies līdz tam, ka tagad klausos DDT

lavendera [userpic]

Kas jādara, lai nemaksātu muitu, ja no ASV sūta mazpaciņu privātpersona privātpersonai?

(Sūda tirgotājs neatsūtīja preci uz ASV adresi laikus, lai to atvestu uz Ziemassvētkiem rokasbagāžā, un uz sūdzību izliekas par beigtu.)

zazis [userpic]
Neapšaubāmi dzīvojam ļoti interesantā laikā.

"Between this, Deepseek's advances, and China investing 1 trillion yuans into AI, the race to AGI is really heating up. It seems we have hit a point of no return. No one is really discussing AI safety anymore, even though it could be a bigger existential threat than nuclear weapons. If the singularity is near, this is the most interesting time in human history. It may also spells the end of human history."

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