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zazis [userpic]
Kāpēc šķiedrvielas ir svarīgi.

Introduction: Tryptophan is catabolized by gut microorganisms resulting in a wide range of metabolites implicated in both beneficial and adverse host effects. How gut microbial tryptophan metabolism is directed towards indole, associated with chronic kidney disease, or towards protective indolelactic acid (ILA) and indolepropionic acid (IPA) is unclear.

Methods: Here we used in vitro culturing and animal experiments to assess gut microbial competition for tryptophan and the resulting metabolites in a controlled three-species defined community and in complex undefined human faecal communities.

Results: The generation of specific tryptophan-derived metabolites was not predominantly determined by the abundance of tryptophan-metabolizing bacteria, but rather by substrate-dependent regulation of specific metabolic pathways. Indole-producing Escherichia coli and ILA- and IPA-producing Clostridium sporogenes competed for tryptophan within the three-species community in vitro and in vivo. Importantly, fibre-degrading Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron affected this competition by cross-feeding monosaccharides to E. coli. This inhibited indole production through catabolite repression, thus making more tryptophan available to C. sporogenes, resulting in increased ILA and IPA production. The fibre-dependent reduction in indole was confirmed using human faecal cultures and faecal-microbiota-transplanted gnotobiotic mice.

Conclusion: Our findings explain why consumption of fermentable fibres suppresses indole production but promotes the generation of other tryptophan metabolites associated with health benefits.

Triptofāns ir serotonīna prekursors. Šķiedrvielas ir antidepresants. (Tā es tikko izdomāju)

mama drama [userpic]

"Igaunijā pastāv uzskats, ka papardes ziedu vajadzētu meklēt vienatnē un klusumā, nepievēršot uzmanību apkārtējai videi."

zazis [userpic]

"A new report has shed light on the relationship between antibiotic-resistant bacteria, superbugs, and animal farming, particularly on factory farms. The report, published by World Animal Protection, has revealed that UK rivers and waterways are “awash with superbugs.”

Specifically, waterways adjacent to factory farms and “high welfare” outdoor farms were found to contain antibiotic-resistant strains of E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus, both of which can cause serious health complications in humans.

The overprescription of antibiotics in medical settings since the drugs were first introduced has led to a sharp uptick in resistant bacteria. Animal agriculture’s misuse of such medications has further exacerbated the issue.

Superbugs are strains of bacteria, viruses, and parasites that are resistant to most widely used antibiotics. This can lead to more severe cases of potentially preventable illnesses, as well as infections that cannot be treated with medication.

Examples include drug-resistant salmonella, campylobacter, tuberculosis, and gonorrhea. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says antimicrobial resistance is an “urgent global public health threat.”"

mama drama [userpic]

speciāli atbraucām uz Lodžas rajončika dīķi, kur vajadzēja būt Jāņa Kristītāja galvai, bet tā ir nopizģīta

"Weighted with references to Biblical story of the martyr in spiritual opposition to King Herod and baptism by water, organizers also say that the sculpture commemorates the Jewish victims in Łódź ghettos during a time when their culture and lives were once blossoming, later destroyed by the Occupation of Poland by Nazi Germany."

Ingmārs ēd Pizza Hut vietā, kur iepriekš stāvēja Jāņa Kristītāja galva:

mama drama [userpic]

mentālā akrobātika Latvijas Radio svētajā stundā: nē nē, Jāņi nav pagānu svētki, tie ir tautas svētki - tautas, kuras pamatā ir kristietība un folklora

"sliesim augstu darvas mucu
lai mirdz tālu jāņugunis
lai redz tāli novadnieki
kā līgoja kolchoznieki"

"kolhoznieki ceļus taisa
grāvjus rok un granti kaisa
ekur, jauka braukāšana
pašiem “Moskviču” ir gana"

zazis [userpic]
Mīlīši, ēdiet brokoļus!

Ir atklāta negatīva korelācija starp brokoļu lietošanu uzturā un vēzi.

zazis [userpic]
Izskatās, ka nākotnē lielāko daļu elektroenereģijas, ko lietos visā pasaulē, saražos saule.

Tā viš ir, tepat dažu gaismas minūšu attālumā ir milzīgs reaktors, kurš nerimstoši raida enerģiju, ko mums lietot. Var izdomāt visvisādus iemeslus kāpēc ne, bet rādās, ka nepielūdzami nāksies vien to darīt. Kas arī šķiet loģiski, ņemot vērā cik strauji attīstās saules paneļu efektivitāte un pazeminās to cena.
Ļoti iespējams, ka drīz vien Āfrika sāks ļoti strauji attīstīties, jo tai uzradīsies milzīgs apjoms superlētas elektroenerģijas. Esmu optimisma pilns. Vēl tikai tāds sīkums kā efektīvāki veidi kā uzglabāt enerģiju, bet zinot, cik ļoti homo sapiens ir spējīgs attīstīt un uzlabot jau esošas tehnoloģijas, ilgi nebūs jāgaida. Aiziet!

zazis [userpic]
No shit Sherlock

Korporatīvā alkatība dara daudz ļauna visiem, kas nav korporācija? Nevar būt. /s

zintish [userpic]

līgo !

zazis [userpic]
Kad ļoti ļoti gribās turpināt dedzināt fosīlo jeb kā var nesolīt.

mama drama [userpic]

radio raidījums par korporatīvajām ballītēm.
un dzeršanu.
viena runātāja: mēs protams esam visi cilvēki un varam saprast arī citu vājības. tomēr jāskatās, lai tava uzvedība nenodara otram pāri, ka rezultātā kāds pēc tam aiziet no darba
otra runātāja: jā, bet tad nebūs arī ieguvumu - kad kolēģi apprecas!

Current Music: lustīgais blūmīzers
lavendera [userpic]
Kā noskaidrot, cik maksā grāmatas vecajā drukā?

1825. gada Bībele aplauztos koka vākos, 1907. gada "Latviešu rakstniecības vēsture skolām" un 1899. gada "Davida nama lielskungs jeb Udines vēstules".

zazis [userpic]
Man arī rieksti vienmēr ir šķituši stipri nediētisks, kalorijām bagāts uztura avots.

"But in fact, nuts are rich in healthy unsaturated fats, plant protein and dietary fibre, all of which play a role in promoting satiety, and reducing excess calorie consumption. Nuts are associated with improved cardiovascular and metabolic health, better gut health and enhanced cognitive performance."

zazis [userpic]

Ne tas saldākais avots, bet ..
" A surprising range of creatures have shown evidence of conscious thought or experience, including insects, fish and some crustaceans.

That has prompted a group of top researchers on animal cognition to publish a new pronouncement that they hope will transform how scientists and society view — and care — for animals."

zazis [userpic]
Dienas citāts no reddita dzīlēm.

"Processed meats (ham, pork sausage, bacon, etc.) are class 1 carcinogens, meaning they cause cancer. Red meats (pork, beef, lamb, etc.) are class 2A carcinogens, meaning they probably cause cancer."
"Red meats, including pork, are group 2A "probable" carcinogens. The mechanism is known: heme iron. It catalyzes carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds and cytotoxic aldehydes."

Uzmanību, viss šeit lasāmais ir autora fantāzija. [userpic]
daba/ūdeņi Tukuma apkārtnē

Apsveru iespēju aizbraukt patusēt uz Tukumu. Mani visvairāk interesē tur apkārt esošā daba. Vai kāds var rekomendēt, kur ap Tukumu kaut kur 5 km rādiusā var izbaudīt mežu, ezerus vai upes, kuros var nopeldēties? Dzīvoklis ir Tukumā proper, bet plāns vazāties apkārt. Vēlams tādas vietas, kur varētu nebūt cilvēku masas.

zazis [userpic]

zazis [userpic]
Divas tradicionālas vērtības.

Mobings un viktimbleimings.

zintish [userpic]

on a side note.
augustā ir Juodaragis festivāls LT
vai kāds turp brauc?
meklēju transportu. kompānija arī būtu forši, protams :)

zazis [userpic]
Dienas citāts no reddita dzīlēm.

"From what I see nuclear tech can solve a lot of problems, like eliminating large corporations, decreasing overall temperature and(in some cases) decreasing population density. Im just saying, nuclear weapons are usefull."

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